Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee (ASCC) 2024-2025

·         Ila Nagar, Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures  (ASCC Chair)

·         David Cole, School of Earth Sciences (NMS)

·         Lisa Cravens-Brown, Psychology (Themes II Chair)

·         Alison Crocetta, Art (A&H 2)

·         Tom Dugdale, Theatre, Film, and Media Arts (A&H1Chair)

·         Rachel Dwyer, Sociology (SBS)

·         Richard Fletcher, Arts Administration, Education and Policy (REGD Chair)

·         Christopher Hadad, Chemistry and Biochemistry (NMS Chair)

·         David Hedgecoth, School of Music (A&H1)

·         Yoonkyung Lee, Statistics (NMS)

·         Amy Nathanson, School of Communication (SBS Chair)

·         Jennifer Ottesen, Chemistry and Biochemistry (Themes II)

·         Laura Podalsky, Spanish and Portuguese (A&H2 Chair)

·         Madhura Pradhan, Microbiology (REGD) 

·         Harald Vaessin, Molecular Genetics (Themes I Chair)

·         Ningchuan Xiao, Geography (SBS)

·         Undergraduate Student Representative Lillian Wang, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics 

·         Graduate Student Representative Patrick Smith, Earth Sciences

·         Ex Officio: Andrew Martin, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education

·         Ex officio: Bernadette Vankeerbergen, ASC Administration

·         Ex officio: Rachel Steele, Michael Hilty, or Jennifer Neff; ASC Curriculum and Assessment