From the College of Biological Sciences Pattern of Administration:
“The Curriculum Committee deals with instructional issues and with recommendations to the Council on Academic Affairs on course and curricular matters.
The committee has faculty and student members. There is one faculty member from each Department, appointed by the Dean from nominees elected by the faculty of the Department. Appointments are for three years and staggered cyclically, 2-2-2. A retiring member is not eligible for immediate reappointment. From nominees suggested by the Executive Committee, the Dean appoints an undergraduate student and a graduate student as full voting members of the committee. Student members serve one-year terms and are eligible for reappointment. The committee annually elects a chair from the faculty members who have completed at least one year of service on the committee. The chair will appoint a vice chair for a one-year term from the faculty members of the committee. An Assistant/Associate Dean of the College serves as an ex-officio member of the committee. The Undergraduate Dean of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences or her/his designee serves as Secretary of the committee. The Assistant/Associate Dean and the Secretary are non-voting members except in the case of a tie vote where the Assistant/Associate Dean may cast the deciding vote.”
Note also that the College of Biological Sciences Curriculum Committee serves as the Curriculum Committee responsible for the Biology major. Furthermore, we make curricular recommendations to CAA through the Graduate School and/or the Colleges of the Arts and Sciences.
Mark Foster, Associate Professor (2009)
Department of Biochemistry
734 Riffe Bldg
496 West 12th Avenue
Phone: 2-1377
John Harder, Associate Professor (2008)
Dept. of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
300 Aronoff Laboratory
318 West 12th Avenue
Phone: 2-8636 Fax: 2-2030
Dana Wrensch (2008)
Department of Entomology
400 Aronoff Laboratory
318 West 12th Avenue
Phone: 2-6587 Fax: 2-2180
David Somers, Associate Professor (2008)
Dept. of Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology
054 Rightmire
1060 Carmak Rd.
Phone: 2-2551 Fax: 2-5379
John Reeve, Professor
Department of Microbiology
376 Biological Sciences Building
484 West 12th Avenue
Phone: 2-2301 Fax:
Ex-Officio Members
Caroline Breitenberger, Associate Dean
College of Biological Sciences
260 Jennings Hall
1735 Neil Avenue
Phone: 2-6945 Fax: 2-4390
Barbara Eakins, Office Associate
College of Biological Sciences
260 Jennings Hall
1735 Neil Avenue
Phone: 2-6945 Fax: 2-4390
Kathleen Hallihan, Director
ASC Curriculum Office
4132 Smith Lab, 174 W. 18th Ave.
Phone: 2-7226 Fax: 8-5678
Joel Shelton
Arts and Sciences Advising
118 Denney Hall
164 West 17th Avenue
Phone: 2-6961
Judy Ridgway
Asst Dir-Ed Research & Develop
Center for Life Sciences Education
260 Jennings Hall
1735 Neil Ave
Phone: 2-4390