Present: Adelson, Mercerhill, Lowry, Vassey, Mockabee, Krissek,
1. Chair:
a. Draft of ASC Senate meeting minutes will be distributed when approved by ASC Senate; list of reps from professional colleges attending next senate meeting shared with Committee
- Professional Reps were given 4 questions to come prepared to answer
- Meeting will be taped
b. A work group convened by Ed will consider draft reports on McHale from the colleges and other offices, and create a list of possible recommendation for consideration by the CCI
c. Meetings next quarter set (listed on agenda) are scheduled in opposite weeks to senate
d. PPM/Glenn merger approved by CAA will go to University Senate
2. ASC Forum on 2/23 Summary: Vasey, Krissek, and Lowry
About 30-40 attendees
Directed discussion toward items 2, 3, 4 & 6 on survey
- Concern of lack of coherent justification for the reduction in credit hours
- GEC needs a vision statement for Gen Ed curriculum so that students, parents, & faculty can see
- A number of the recommendations, especially related to downsizing the GEC, send wrong message given national & state focus on math, science, and language.
- Advising demands will be problematic given the proposal’s complexity
- Oversight committee: fairly widespread “no” sentiment for new level of oversight
- Budget implications were articulated as a major concern
3. Approval of meeting minutes unanimous
4. Advisor report on McHale – Wanzer
- met with 5 clusters to get responses & reactions; overall positive reaction to suggestions but concern over implementation
- Reasonable flexibility needed for students who enter a major late or transfer with many credits
5. Sub. D report – Lowry
- Freshman Seminars should remain as is
- UCLA didn’t incorporate seminars into clusters until 4 years into clusters, but this does indicate possibility
6. Humanities – Lowry
- decreasing credit hour requirements will not necessarily
mean more timely graduation
- Renaming & regrouping GECs would be helpful in explaining requirements
- Capstone recommendation undercuts point of Gen Ed
- Internships not an acceptable substution for Gen Ed requirements
- too many substitutions/exemptions cause more confusion in GEC
- Moral reasoning recommendation: Philosophy concerned about burden of implementing
- Historical study proposal– History supports with some concern that the implementation should follow regular GEC curricular processes; Dept of History wants to define goals & objectives
- support for Clusters but not folding in of English 110
7. MAPS – Andereck
- Budget model works against reform & implementation
- Report affirms basic principles of current GEC
- advising requirements large
- would like to look at distinguishing between BA & BS requirements
- limit number of type of substitutions to preserve breadth
- proposes that clusters be piloted in Honors without counting for Eng 110
8. SBS - Mumy
- NMR – GEC cuts are disproportionate to decrease in hours committed to breadth
- Against substitutions
- Minor in language cannot substitute for Social Science or History
- Clusters – like the idea but needs to be imagined more broadly
- implementation would be difficult for advising
9. Bio Sci – Breitenberger
- Decrease in hours – no strong opinion except would cut free electives
- NMR changes sound good but how implemented? Demonstrated Competency
Breadth – hard to justify cut
Concern that Technology recommendation is not suggested for biological sciences
Concern that Capstone recommendation would increase overall requirements
WOVE – 3rd writing requirement is a concern to faculty but thoughts about research papers and presentations that may fulfill requirement
- Cluster – Freshman & Senior year most difficult time for Bio Students to find time for this type of work; recommend Soph/Junior Cluster or summer intensive
- Flexibility/Substitutions would get rid of breadth
10. Arts – Petry (quick version)
- Oversight & philosophical arguments leave concern over breadth
- supports CCI’s process of oversight
- decrease in overall hours a problem for the Arts- already have 113-115 hours required in majors so decrease would decrease breadth, which is a concern; students have no free electives currently
- focused on WOVE (arts faculty and others invested develop guidelines); Historical Study (support idea); Clusters (great idea about question practicality)