College Committee - ARTS


3:30-5:00 p.m 105A Brown Hall

Approval of minutes
Course requests below

Present: Petry, Mockabee, Mercerhill, Proctor, Florman, Fox, Thompson, Palazzi, Ward, Wyszormirski, Gill, Tupman, Harned


Excused: Hedden



  1. Course Requests:
    1. Dance 660.11 & .12 - approved

                                                               i.      Suggested that .11 add “in dance” to the course description

    1. Dance 660.21 – approved with one abstention

                                                               i.      Concern over credit hours – 3 seems too few for amount of work expected

                                                             ii.      Suggested that department consider increasing credits or reducing content

    1. Dance 860.01 – approved
    2. Dance 760.01, .02, .03 - Approved

                                                               i.      Cover letter will be added to describe committee’s  logic

                                                             ii.      Divide memo so that there is a separate, more complete rationale for this course set

                                                            iii.      No syllabus for .03 needed

    1. Art 330, 331, 332 – Approved

                                                               i.      Forms being resubmitted with appropriate spelling

    1. Music changes – Sent back

                                                               i.      Include a cover letter to discuss how decrease in credit hours affect the majors, address to CCI

                                                             ii.      221 – syllabus needs course description, grading scale; remove WebCT and replace with Carmen if appropriate.

                                                            iii.      422 – syllabus needs course description, grading scale; two 5 page papers listed but not clearly spelled out and called essay in topical outline

                                                           iv.      423 – syllabus needs course description, grading scale

    1. April 4 meeting minutes approved
    2. Request was made to keep advisors in the know regarding informal practices and possible changes coming so that students can be served better.
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Dance 660.11 Digital Video Editing New Registrar's Office N/A
Dance 660.12 Adv Digital Video Editing New Registrar's Office N/A
Dance 660.21 Media in Performance New Registrar's Office N/A
Dance 860.01 Theories of Performance: The Body New Registrar's Office N/A
Dance 760.01 Enviroments ! Change Registrar's Office N/A
Dance 760.02 Enviroments II Change Registrar's Office N/A
Dance 760.03 Enviroments III Change Registrar's Office N/A
Art 330 Introduction to Molten Glasswork Change Registrar's Office N/A
Art 331 Beginning Cold Glassworking Change Registrar's Office N/A
Art 332 Introduction to Glass Forming New Registrar's Office N/A
Music 221 Music Theory I Change Registrar's Office N/A
Music 422 Music Theory V Change Registrar's Office N/A
Music 423 Music Theory VI Change Registrar's Office N/A