Present: Adelson, Smith, Vassey, Krissek, Hobgood, Yerkes, Mumy, Andereck, Lowry, Childs, Collier, Breitenberger, Lemberger, Baker, Schoen, Shanda, Schwartz, Wanzer, Petry, Mercerhill, Moses, Seloni
i. Moral reasoning should be broadly covered in GEC, but is hard to imagine in one course
i. Suggested that if we adopt the Andereck/Childs proposal (discussed next), maybe MR would be one of the “add back” categories
ii. Freshman clusters might provide opportunities to address MR
iii. Student Code of conduct – change from punitive to list of beliefs – question of places this might be taught; other institutions offer models
iv. Suggested that if we better understand Engineering’s needs, we can better serve them
i. Elephant in room is current budget model
ii. “Drop a GEC” has a negative connotation although it has served a purpose
iii. Proposal to create minimum set of requirements across the University in breadth areas:
1. Category requirements:
a. Social Science – 10 hours
b. Arts and Humanities – 10 hours
c. Natural Science – 15 hours
d. ASC students must take additional 10 hours within these categories, chosen in conjunction with their advisor
e. In lieu of 10 hours students take an ASC minor or double major
2. Proposal decreases GEC by 5 hours, provides a bit more flexibility, establishes a baseline and builds rather than substitutes hours/options
i. Proposal is similar to Dave’s above, however all 15 hours would be added back or students can take an ASC minor or double major
ii. Cost of proposal: OSU GEC has higher Natural Science requirements than just about all other institutions, this would no longer be the case
iii. Establishing this baseline would facilitate bringing Professional & ASC Colleges into alignment
iv. Professional Colleges could then determine what gets added back in to their GEC
v. Concern over breadth loss – if students elect minor or 2nd major, this may happen for some students, but not all students
vi. Advising perspective – Andereck/Childs proposals address the concern over students taking lower level course and gives focus to elective hours
vii. Question of whether this will provide relief to problems with dual degree programs – Randy Smith has a committee looking at dual degrees across colleges
viii. SBS curriculum committee concerned about trading breadth for flexibility
ix. Question of whether we require any 2nd major or minor to be in an unrelated area from student’s declared major – i.e. not allow Bio & Chem, but allow Bio & Spanish
1. Prior to 1997 students couldn’t double count GEC in a major, now they can double count in a 2nd major or minor
x. Concern expressed that restricting minors to ASC minors limits Professional Schools
xi. Budget rebasing may need to be part of any resolution put forward in order to open up choices to those beyond ASC
xii. Addition of major/minor option will help balance advising needs
1. suggestion to specify minors by student’s major
xiii. Question of how to get to 180 overall hours – do we encourage reduction in electives?
xiv. Proposal to make 4th quarter of language and Historical Study part of hours students may select from in “add back in” proposal
1. OSU is at low end of language contact hours nationally
2. History will already be taking a cut because non-History department courses will now be accepted
xv. Bio students would benefit from all 3 proposals (Andereck, Childs, and one listed in xiv above)
xvi. Committee senses that it needs to be open to
xvii. Stated that our GEC is not attractive to students – too many low level courses & status quo is no longer acceptable
1. Question of what evidence is available to support this idea
2. We know that students do not pick an institution based on GECs and we have a large number of Juniors and Seniors taking 100 level courses; encouraging departments to propose upper level courses would help with this
3. Maybe we need to add something to GEC that stands out and makes OSU attractive to students
xviii. Students are now graduating on time & even early which causes budget problems
xix. Question of what the source of political pressure to reduce to 180 really is; we are in line with many other institutions’ requirements and students are graduating on time
xx. Suggested that the Provost be invited to a discussion with CCI, meeting to be set for next week
xxi. Summary thoughts:
1. CCI reaffirmed belief in breadth categories
2. Discussion needs to continue to be enlarged to political and student realities
3. Restriction on minors to ASC is impediment to flexibility