Time: 8:30-10:30a.m. Location: 200 Bricker Hall
Course updates:
-Art Education 7725 “Re-imagining Research Writing Through Creative Inquiry” (new course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3674
-ASC 1137.xx First-year Seminar "What is conversation all about? How people talk and why it matters” —Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3746
-ASC 1138.xx First-year Seminar "Feminist Eco-nomies: Living Life Differently in the 21st Century" —Katherine Borland https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3747
-ASC 1138.xx First-year Seminar "Parents Just Don’t Understand" — Nicholas White https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3722
-ASC 1138.xx First-year Seminar "Stuff 101: How We Make It, Buy It, Use It, and Toss It" —Annie Abell https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3759
-Communication 2331 “Strategic Communication Principles” (existing course w/ GE Social Science—Individuals and Groups; request to offer 100% DL) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3772
-Communication 2367 “Persuasive Communication” (existing course with GE Writing and Communication-Level 2; request for 100% DL) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3764
-Communication 2540 “Introduction to Communication Technology” (existing course; request to offer 100% DL) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3745
-Communication 3331 “Communication and Decision Making” (existing course; request to offer 100% DL) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3762
-Communication 3440 “Mass Communication and Society” (existing course; request to offer 100% DL) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3741
-Communication 3444 “Advertising and Society” (existing course; request to offer 100% DL) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3743
-Communication 3554 “Social Implications of Communication Technology” (existing course; request to offer 100% DL) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3771
-Communication 3620 “Introduction to Interpersonal Communication” (existing course; request to offer 100% DL) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3744
-Comparative Studies 3189 “Japanese Popular Culture” (new course; requesting GE Education Abroad & GE Diversity-Global Studies) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3766
-EEOB 2270 “Parasites and Evolution: How worms, mosquitoes, etc. manage their/our world" (new course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3752
-English 4420 and Math 4420 “Capstone Course for Integrated Major in Mathematics and English” (new; cross-listed) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3767 and https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3665
-History 3213H “Slavery in the Ancient World” (new course; GE Cultures and Ideas & GE Historical Study) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3754
-Italian 3051 “The Crossroads of Romance: Tales of Heroes and Monsters from the Odyssey to Star Wars” (new; requesting GE Literature & GE Diversity--Global Studies) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3768
-NELC 3504 “Medieval Islamic Political Thought” (new course; requesting GE Cultures and Ideas) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3749
-Philosophy 2340 “The Future of Humanity” (new course; requesting GE Cultures and Ideas) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3757
-Political Science 4245H “Democratic Erosion” (new course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3755
-Psychology 5250 “Mood Disorders: Classification, Etiology, and Treatment” (new course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3742
-Statistics 6605 “Applied Survival Analysis” (course change) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3763
-Uzbek 2101 “Intermediate Uzbek II” (course change) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3756
Documents | |
ASCC 4-21-17 Approved Minutes.docx | 10/02/2017 04:26:07 PM |
Historical Study ELOS 3-10-17.docx | 04/13/2017 12:23:34 PM |
ASC Service Learning Grant Application 12.2016[1].pdf | 04/10/2017 03:30:03 PM |
Grimstead ASC Service Learning grant TOTAL.docx.pdf | 04/10/2017 03:29:44 PM |