CCI Interdisciplinary Initiatives Subcommittee


11:00 - 1:00pm, 105 Brown Hall

Disability 700 status reviewed

Dean Schoen met with Rich Hall and Brenda Brueggemann.  There were concerns and questions concerning whether or not graduate faculty were going to oversee graduate courses; who would be assigning grad faculty to teach the course. 

Courses: Disability 800 & 900

1.  There  needs to be a justification for the true number of credit hours.  (A syllabus detailing the depth of the content of the course could be useful in justifying the number of credits. 

2.  A syllabus is needed for both courses, especially 900. 

3.  There should be some method of a universal design for the courses (modes or teaching)

Brenda Brueggemann will be contacted and notifed about the concerns of the committee. 

Until further information is received and reviewed the status of Disability Studies 800 & 900 will remain "pending."

Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Arts and Sciences 800 Disability Studies Workshop New Registrar's Office Pending
Arts and Sciences 900 Disability Studies Research Forum New Registrar's Office Pending