9:00 - 11:00am, 105a Brown Hall
Dance H367
Positive consensus from the committee. An assessment should be included that focuses on the 3 learning objectives under the Writing and Related Skills category.
Assessment needs to be ongoing. Communications will be sent to Dance as to how this can be done.
Art Ed/Theatre 367.03
Proposal needs to be reviewed for grammatical errors.
The following pages/sections of the proposal need revision
Pg. 4 Second Paragraph and under the heading of Assessment
The following pages/sections of the syllabus need revision
Pg. 2 First paragraph needs revision
Pg. 8 (rubric) The point count does not add up to 35 but only adds up to 25
Pg. 6. Late Submissions section needs revision.
Pg. 7 Midterm Section nees revision.
Pg 8 (Syllabus) Midterm Presentation: The committee and students need more description as to how they can complete the midterm presentation (e.g. will a lab be provided or what kind of technological tools can be utilized). What formats can be used for the presentation.
Sports 344
Postiive consensus received from committee. More information is needed on assessment.