Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 2


110 Denney Hall
  1. Approval of 9-4-19 minutes
  2. French 4402 (new course)
  3. Turkish 3350 (course change; request for 100% DL; course already has GE Diversity-Global Studies & wishes to replace GE Cultures and Ideas with GE Social Science-Individuals and Groups)
  4. Russian 2200 (new course; DL delivery)
  5. Certificate in Essential Skills for Travel and Business in Russia (new)
  6. Theatre 4381 (course number change from 3381 and change title)
  7. Theatre 5325 (new course)
  8. AAAS 3450 (new course)
  9. AAAS 3370 (new course)
ASCC A&H2 Panel Approved Minutes 9-18-19.doc 10/10/2019 10:02:16 AM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
French 4402 France from the Great War to the Present: Culture in Flux New Request Completed
Turkish 3350 Contemporary Issues in Turkey Change Request Completed
Russian 2200 Russian Language and Culture for Travel and Business New Request Completed
Russian Essential Skills for Travel and Business in Russia Program Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Approved
Theatre 4381 Narrative Filmmaking Fundamentals Change Request Completed
Theatre 5325 The Film Director's Voice New Request Completed
African American and African Studies 3450 The Art and Politics of Hip-Hop New Request Completed
African American and African Studies 3370 Being African in America New Request Completed