Present: Mumy, Vasey, Davis, Steckel, Liddle, Landsbergen, Haddad, Pampush, Davidson, McGraw, Mercerhill
- Approval of May 17 minutes
- Course requests:
- Psychology 847 – approved with contingencies
i. Fix 2nd paragraph of syllabus beginning with “In addition…”
ii. Reconsider course assignments #4 – participation
iii. Clarify grading scale
iv. Concurrence from Speech and Hearing needed
- Psychology 845 – approved
- Econ 615 – approved with minor changes
i. Week 4, break down readings so students know what order to read them in
ii. Term paper assignment – fix spelling
iii. Consider course for Historical Study GEC
iv. Consider decimals for micro v. macro
- Econ 817 – approved with contingencies
i. Waiting for AED and Poli Sci concurrences
ii. Ask for Math concurrence
iii. Page 4 of syllabus has 2 “iv”
iv. Consider creating a minor
- Notes from Deborah Haddad
- Departments should consider creating upper level GECs and explore the idea of dual status such as Social Science and Diversity
- Thanks to James Pampush – student representative, graduating this quarter
- Committee will need a new undergrad rep, consider an Econ or Poli Sci major
- Committee representative term limits – consider how departments handle these
- McHale
- Gene passed out “equivalencies of proposals” information - add back vs. drop a GEC
- Should it be “courses outside major” or “add back across 2 categories”?
- “courses outside major” may be confusing for majors with no clear Breadth area home