Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee


  1. Approval of 1-21-21 minutes
  2. Political Science 3245 (new course)
  3. Political Science 3280 (existing course; request to change number from 4280, title, course description, course content, and campus)
  4. Sociology 5608 (course number change from 6608)
  5. Sociology 5649 (course number change from 6649)
  6. Communication 3160 (existing course requesting greater or equal to 50% distance learning)
  7. Communication 3163 (existing course requesting greater or equal to 50% distance learning)
  8. Communication 3628 (existing course requesting 100% DL)
  9. Communication 4558 (existing course requesting 100% DL)
  10. Psychology 3310 (existing course requesting 100% DL)
  11. Psychology 3312 (existing course requesting 100% DL)
  12. Psychology 3513 (existing course requesting 100% DL)
  13. Psychology 5620 (existing course requesting 100% DL)
ASCC SBS Approved Minutes 02-04.docx 02/24/2021 09:06:28 AM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Political Science 3245 Radicalization, Deradicalization, Countering Violent Extremism New Request Completed
Sociology 5608 Qualitative Methods in Sociology Change Request Completed
Sociology 5649 Intro to Quantitative Research/Multiple Regression Change Request Completed
Political Science 3280 Politics of Markets Change Request Completed
Communication 3628 Contemporary Persuasion Theory Change Request Completed
Psychology 3312 Memory and Cognition Change Request Completed
Psychology 3513 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience Change Request Completed
Psychology 3310 Sensation and Perception Change Request Completed
Psychology 5620 Technology, Efficiency, and Happiness Change Request Completed
Communication 3160 Communication Research Methods Change Request Completed
Communication 3163 Communication Industry Research Methods Change Request Completed
Communication 4558 Social Media Analytics Change Request Completed