Present: Adelson, Childs, Harvey, Hobgood, Lemberger, Ryden, Shanda, Sitel, Trudeau, Wyszomirski, Yerkes, Dutta, Mumy, Mercerhill, Romesburg, Schoen, Smith, Wanzer, Francis
- Updates from the Chair:
- ASC Senate Meeting Nov. 1: Oversight, Minors, 181, B.S. Task Force update
- Program Revisions coming to CCI: Biology Major, Psychology Major, Italian Major, Political Science Minor
- CAA – Discussing Oversight of GEC and Clusters
- Public Health Minor – Guest Jeff Caswell
- Most programs in Public Health are Graduate level, but some are trying to offer something to undergraduates
- Meant to be a Liberal Arts approach, not professional training
- Departments are encouraged to submit possible elective courses for minor
- Vote: 8 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention - Approved
- International Studies Double Major – Guest Tony Mughan
- 10 tracks – 6 world areas, 4 thematic
- 850 students in major
- Proposal – allow students to double major a world area and a thematic in order to provide for a more rounded education
i. Students have requested this option
ii. Makes students stronger in job market
iii. Students take 20 hours of foreign language beyond 104
- Vote: 8 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions – Approved
- Use of Minors
- Proposal is response to Dean Royster’s call to provide a reason for the decrease to 181 hours
- Opportunity to possibly recoup hours lost in new Breadth Area template in BA GEC
- CCI members encouraged to contact appropriate departmental people so they are educated before it goes to Senate
- Concern expressed regarding how exceptions might be made for Transfer students, those who change majors, etc.
i. Anticipated that more GEC courses will be folded into the minors
ii. New BA template will help students who change majors
- Question of what proof is available to show that this does increase the value of the degree
- Preference to allow students to make own decision about whether or not to minor was expressed
- Student rep believes preference is to not be required to have a minor, students like the opportunity to take more classes in major area
- Question of if there is a disconnect between how many minors we have and how many students chose to minor
- Noted that data shows 40% of students already “doubling up” somehow, either double major or major and minor
- Question of what portion of the % in data are B.S. students
- Suggested that we should be forward looking and decide what we want experience of next ten years to be
- Request for plans for how special student situation could be handled so that unintentional consequences of requirement can be addressed
- Minutes from Oct. 13 meeting approved
- Freshman Seminar report-Rod Romesburg, Director
- Over 80 courses this year
- Enrollment up – 63% seats filled last year, 72% this year
- 98% retention rate
- 68% of students agree that they may take more classes in seminar area – seminars are working as feeder courses in areas outside the major
- Rod will be going to department meetings in January to solicit new course proposals
- Interdisciplinary Program update
- Handouts provided about recently approved programs and those already offered