9:30-11a.m., Bricker 200
Updates from the Chair
Approval of meeting minutes
Aging Minor – Meg Teaford
Sexuality Studies Minor Revisions – Debra Moddelmog, Mollie
Service Learning –Jackson, Wright
Updates from Task Forces
Use of AP credit
Present: Adelson, Childs, Harden, Hobgood, Lemberger, Oltmann, Ryden, Shanda, Trudeau, Yerkes, Andereck, Breitenberger, Collier, Dutta, Lowry, Meyers, Mercerhill, Mockabee, Mumy, Schoen, Waite, Wright, Wanzer, Francis
i. Interchangeable, but Aging more understood by public
i. External funding has helped with course development
ii. Self-reported – about 60 courses across campus
iii. Coordination of service needs to be done with community partners
iv. Courses already using service learning would be encouraged to use “S” suffix
v. Difference between internships and SL – internship is more about students developing competencies, SL is requires mutual gain between parties
i. Would likely have a SL specific proposal form
i. Suggested that decimals be used
ii. Simultaneous vetting with Service Learning Roundtable and College Curriculum Committee suggested
iii. If follow group studies format, course would go through department, Roundtable, then to A-Dean
i. Requirements need to meet objectives of the course, therefore established hours are not flexible enough for varying disciplines
i. Open to review in this area, but waiting for such topics to be included in courses
i. Visual Literacy – Cindy Selfe, chair of Visual Literacy Panel
1. proposes guidelines for courses including definition, goals, rationale and learning objectives
2. focused on reception and production
3. suggested that proposer be required to submit assignment and how it addresses objectives
4. question of what percent of courses must be devoted to VL and whether students can fulfill the requirement in a Major course
5. question of whether there is an alternative for blind or visually impaired students
6. committee requires examples of “production” vs. “reception”
7. Category will be open to all courses in all disciplines
ii. Diversity – Claudia Buchmann, chair of Diversity Panel
1. current goals and objectives still important & current requirements still applicable
2. 0 credit hours is common at benchmark institutions
3. recommended that expedited review of existing courses that aren’t flagged be initiated
4. Statement on syllabi about fulfilling diversity requirement should be included
5. more assessment is needed
6. Question of whether task force considered creating guidelines for Western/Non-Western
a. Just began conversations about terminology and will look at creation of guidelines
b. Question of whether the task force is the group that should be charged with this task