Present: Adelson, Baker, Berman, Childs, Harden, Harvey, Hobgood, Shanda, Trudeau, Vasey, Yerkes, Andereck, Breitenberger, Collier, Dutta, Francis, Mercerhill, Mockabee, Morgan, Mumy, Schoen, Wanzer
i. New faculty hires for course load
ii. Pedagogical changes driving revisions
i. Draft of report will be available in approximately 1 month - Members encouraged to review Ch. 3 on outcomes assessment
i. University-level web pages: departments being encouraged to add major program educational objectives to web
i. 3 quarters of data on intranet
ii. Working group making revisions with help of external consultant
1. suggested that annual survey questions alter – 1 year general major questions & ASC questions, next year major specific – will keep survey shorter
iii. Suggested that graduate school outcomes should remain in survey
iv. Suggested that results be made available to participants
v. Question of if GEC questions should be category level or broader
1. recommended that they be guided by the purpose of the GEC
2. suggested that it focus on breadth
3. suggested that focus should be on some categories one year and the rest the next
4. members asked to look at questions and send comments to Alexis
vi. Sub E
1. course review complete for sets 1 & 2
2. send ideas for which category might be best to start with for category-level review
vii. University-Level Advisory Committee for the GEC
1. chaired by chair of Sub E
2. recommended that student reps be chosen by USG
3. committee to report yearly at end of winter quarter
viii. CCC summary reports from discussion of major reports presented in packet
i. Difficulty mandating hours created for education majors discussed
i. many majors do not have room
ii. suggested that free electives are not as important as majors & GEC\
i. Old rule that is no longer accurate
ii. Question of what the University-wide expectation is for GEC
iii. Overarching mission statement needed for GEC
iv. Send any drafts to ED
i. Attempt to encourage student to try more difficult courses
i. Few students would be affected by change because “l” is the highest placement level
Documents | |
Tech credits.pdf | 01/09/2007 09:37:21 AM |
University Rules.doc | 01/08/2007 03:20:28 PM |