Cmte on Curriculum and Instruction (CCI)


9:30-11a.m., Bricker 200
Packets will no longer be delivered for CCI meetings.


1. Updates from the Chair
2. ASC 750 (request below) - Guest Michelle Herman, Professor,
3. Italian Major Revisions (request below) - Guest Janice Aski,
    Associate Professor and Director of the Italian Language
4. Assessment Updates- Alexis Collier
5. Technological Literacy Task Force Report
6. Discussion and Consideration of Changes to ASC Degree Requirements

Present: Adelson, Baker, Berman, Childs, Harden, Harvey, Hobgood, Shanda, Trudeau, Vasey, Yerkes, Andereck, Breitenberger, Collier, Dutta, Francis, Mercerhill, Mockabee, Morgan, Mumy, Schoen, Wanzer


  1. Updates from the Chair:
    1. Well wishes for Deb Lowry’s healthy return
    2. University-Level Advisory Committee for the General Education Committee approved by CAA and to begin work this quarter
  2. December 1 meeting minutes approved
  3. ASC 750 – guests: Michelle Herman and Cecilia Johnson
    1. Sub A reviewed proposal – concern had been expressed regarding 5 credit hours, but felt adequate time outside class will be spent to justify
    2. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
  4. Italian Major Revisions – guests: Janice Aski
    1. Sub B reviewed

                                                               i.            New faculty hires for course load

                                                             ii.            Pedagogical changes driving revisions

    1. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
  1. Assessment Update – Alexis Collier
    1. University Reaccreditation – April 15-18

                                                               i.            Draft of report will be available in approximately 1 month - Members encouraged to review Ch. 3 on outcomes assessment

    1. Assessment website being created

                                                               i.            University-level web pages: departments being encouraged to add major program educational objectives to web

    1. Exit Survey Revision

                                                               i.            3 quarters of data on intranet

                                                             ii.            Working group making revisions with help of external consultant

1.      suggested that annual survey questions alter – 1 year general major questions & ASC questions, next year major specific – will keep survey shorter

                                                            iii.            Suggested that graduate school outcomes should remain in survey

                                                           iv.            Suggested that results be made available to participants

                                                             v.            Question of if GEC questions should be category level or broader

1.      recommended that they be guided by the purpose of the GEC

2.      suggested that it focus on breadth

3.      suggested that focus should be on some categories one year and the rest the next

4.      members asked to look at questions and send comments to Alexis

                                                           vi.            Sub E

1.      course review complete for sets 1 & 2

2.      send ideas for which category might be best to start with for category-level review


                                                          vii.            University-Level Advisory Committee for the GEC

1.      chaired by chair of Sub E

2.      recommended that student reps be chosen by USG

3.      committee to report yearly at end of winter quarter

                                                        viii.            CCC summary reports from discussion of major reports presented in packet

  1. Discussion and consideration of changes to ASC degree requirements
    1. Definition of excess hours – 12 hours of technical credit (transfer credit such as police coursework or heating, ventilation & air conditioning course work, etc); 6 hours of activity credit (i.e. Ed PAES)
    2. Number of upper division hours

                                                               i.            Difficulty mandating hours created for education majors discussed

    1. hours taken outside ASC – 15 hours allowed
    2. definition of free elective

                                                               i.            many majors do not have room

                                                             ii.            suggested that free electives are not as important as majors & GEC\

    1. University definition of Basic Education

                                                               i.            Old rule that is no longer accurate

                                                             ii.            Question of what the University-wide expectation is for GEC

                                                            iii.            Overarching mission statement needed for GEC

                                                           iv.            Send any drafts to ED

    1. Limitation to AP credit – proposal will be brought soon
    2. Pass/non-pass option for GEC

                                                               i.            Attempt to encourage student to try more difficult courses

    1. Insight areas
    2. BA math requirement

                                                               i.            Few students would be affected by change because “l” is the highest placement level

  1. Technological Literacy Panel
    1. “How things work” courses don’t currently exist
    2. Large scale issues that might be more political currently exist in a few courses (i.e. Science, Technology & culture in & the world – how political regimes use technology to get and maintain control)
    3. Question of where to put in GEC
    4. Question of what process was used to determining whether Tech Lit is present in the curriculum – panel looked at GEC level
    5. Panel looking at putting as Natural Science course or one of the 2 student selected courses
    6. Discussion to be continued at next meeting
Tech credits.pdf 01/09/2007 09:37:21 AM
University Rules.doc 01/08/2007 03:20:28 PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Arts and Sciences 750 A Multidisciplinary Seminar for Artists New Registrar's Office N/A
Italian Proposal for the new Italian Undergraduate Curriculum Program Registrar's Office N/A