Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity Subcommittee


9:00AM - 10:30AM
  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Approval of 5-12-21 minutes
  3. German 2256 (existing course with GE Literature; will be new GE Foundation: LVPA; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  4. Hebrew 3704 and Jewish Studies 3704 (existing cross-listed courses with GE Literature and GE Diversity-Global Studies; will be new GE Foundation: LVPA; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  5. History 3231 (existing course with GE Historical Study and GE Diversity—Global Studies; will be new GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  6. Art Education 2600H (existing course under 2367.01H with GE Writing and Communication—Level 2; GE VPA, and GE Diversity—Social Diversity in the U.S.; will be new GE Foundation: WIL & LVPA; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD) [Art Education 2600 was previously approved for equivalent request.]
ASCC REGD 09-07-2021 Approved Minutes.docx 09/27/2021 10:42:49 AM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
German 2256 Fan Fiction: From Homer to Harry Potter Change Request Completed
Hebrew 3704 Women in the Bible and Beyond Change Request Completed
Jewish Studies 3704 Women in the Bible and Beyond Change Request Completed
History 3231 Creating Medieval Monsters: Constructions of the "Other" Change Request Completed
Art Education 2600H Visual Culture: Investigating Diversity & Social Justice Change Request Completed