Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity Subcommittee


9:00AM - 10:30AM
  1. Approval of 11-2-21 minutes
  2. Discuss panel answers to 3 questions from Q&A (if needed; max 5-10 minutes)
  3. Classics 3205 (new course; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)(carried over from last time)
  4. Education: Teaching and Learning 4005 (existing course with GE Social Science—Individuals and Groups & Diversity—Social Diversity in the U.S.; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD) (carried over from last time)
  5. Comparative Studies 1100 (existing course with GE Literature and GE Diversity-Global Studies; will become new GE Foundation: LVPA; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  6. Religious Studies 2370 (existing course with GE Cultures and Ideas and GE Diversity-Global Studies; will become new GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  7. Anthropology 3334 (existing course requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  8. Comparative Studies 2281 (existing course with GE Cultures and Ideas and GE Diversity-Social Diversity in the U.S.; will become new GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  9. AAAS 2218 (existing course with GE Social Science—Individuals and Groups; will become new GE Foundation: Social and Behavioral Science; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
ASC REGD 11-16-21 Approved Minutes.docx 11/30/2021 02:45:31 PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Classics 3205 Race, Ethnicity, And Gender in the Classical World New Request Completed
Education: Teaching & Learning (EHE) 3005 Urban Teaching and Learning Change Request Completed
Religious Studies 2370 Introduction to Comparative Religion Change Request Completed
African American and African Studies 2218 Black Urban Experience Change Request Completed
Anthropology 3334 Zombies: The Anthropology of the Undead Change Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity Subcommittee Sent Back
Comparative Studies 1100 Intro to the Humanities: Cross-Cultural Perspectives Change Request Completed
Comparative Studies 2281 American Icons Change Request Completed