Cmte on Curriculum and Instruction (CCI)


9:30-11a.m., Bricker 200

Approval of Meeting Minutes
Updates from the Chair
Statistics Minor Revisions - Guest: Mike Fligner, Department of Statistics (document below)
Psychology Major Revisions - Guest: Bob Arkin, Department of Psychology (document below)
ASC 640 (document below)
Discussion of hours to degree for B.S. degree (document below)
AP Credit Proposal (document below)

Present: Adelson, Berman, Harder, Hobgood, Krissek, Shanda, Trudeau, Vasey, Yerkes, Andereck, Breitenberger, Collier, Dutta, Eyerly, Lowry, Mercerhill, Mockabee, Mumy, Schoen, Smith


  1. Updates from the Chair:
    1. Aging Minor approved by CAA
    2. Welcome to Lisa Florman, who was on leave fall quarter
    3. Chris Highley from the English Department will be finishing Bill Child’s term
    4. ASC Senate discussion on B.S. template at meeting last week, a vote is expected at the next meeting on February 28
  2. Approval of Jan. 26 minutes - approved
  3. Statistics Minor Revision – Guest Mike Fligner
    1. Sub C unanimously approved minor after revisions resulting from meeting with Mike Fligner
    2. Goal is to be more accessible for students
    3. Vote: 8 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention 
  4. Psychology Major Revision – Guests: Tom Nygren & Alisa Paulsen
    1. Sub C reviewed and approved unanimously
    2. Revision increases credit hour requirements for the major by 10
    3. Goal is to increase rigor in major to prepare students for graduate work and demands of the field
    4. Addition of Psych 220 (currently 320) as requirement for both BS and BA to provide statistical foundation (additional 5 hours for the BA)
    5. 5 subcategories are being split into 6 to reflect the current trends in the profession, students required to take one course in each category (additional 5 hours)
    6. Question about the pre-reqs for Psych 220 – the courses, although very different, are good indications of how well students will do in 220 - Recommended that the department consider assessing this pre-req and include in annual report
    7. Vote:  8 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
    8. Further Discussion: Recommended that proposal packet include cover letter explaining to CAA specific reasons for changes to hour requirements
  5. ASC 640 – Diversity Lecture Series
    1. Sub A approved unanimously
    2. Proposal from Ethnic Studies coordinators as an effort to encourage students to participate in the many lectures throughout the year and provide them a guided discussion
    3. 600 level would allow graduate students who might pursue GIS to participate
    4. Question of whether 500 level courses can count on GISs
    5. Vote: 8 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
  6. Discussion of hours to degree for Bachelor of Science degree
    1. BA vote to decrease to 181 is contingent on BS proposal
    2. When the BS GEC template that was passed by CCI is combined with current BS major requirements, fewer than 181 total hours to degree are prescribed per major; however, this does not include 15 hours of free electives.
    3. Noted that if Faculty Senate adds back hours to the proposal, that changes the ability to decrease to 181; for example Astronomy would be over 196 if Math & Foreign Language 104 is added back
    4. Question of why credit hour requirements could not be up to the major, therefore the minimum would not have to be imposed on majors
    5. Noted that majors can be compatible with 181 within a range, or can end up back to the current situation of the requirements that go well beyond the minimum
    6. Suggested that lack of preparation of our public education causes need for more remedial work in higher education and therefore more hours needed.
    7. Noted, on the other hand, that science and math cuts were made to the BA template and therefore across the board cuts are being made in this proposal – cuts which reflect an acknowledgement that public schools are doing a more effective job in these areas. If this is not the case, we need to reconsider all changes
    8. Motion: Establish the minimum total hours to a Bachelor of Science degree 181

                                                               i.            Vote: 7 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention

  1. AP Credit Proposal – Jay Hobgood
    1. Students with AP credit would still have to take at least one course in each of the Breadth Areas to ensure a University Liberal Arts education
    2. AP credit would be used in part as placement
    3. Increase in AP credits students apply to their university education poses potential problems; students can greatly decrease the hours they take in GEC by testing out, but belief is that the university level work is still needed in each of the GEC areas
    4. Foreign Languages – students who test beyond 104 level would still have to take one course
    5. Advising concern – we will have to be careful how approach this as a PR issue; Admissions does not feel this will be a concern; we will need to be careful with all student populations
    6. EM credit supersedes AP credit in this proposal, so that with sufficient EM credit stricture in proposal is waived; Suggested that Humanities might want to reconsider use of EM credit for their foreign language placement. 
    7. Proposal requires a re-conception of what AP is – Advanced Placement, not a buy out for course work at University
    8. Suggested that the proposal language be changed to read less as a requirement and more as a positive
    9. Concern expressed that requirement might force students to take a lower level course than AP would have placed them in because there are not higher level courses approved for GEC
    10. Practice of allowing advisors to guide students to higher level courses in lieu of lower level GEC approved courses could remain
    11. Question of whether proposal could be expanded to include BS degree – committee could not come to conclusion today
    12. Committee members should send any thoughts to Jay before next meeting
Proposal Cover Letters.pdf 02/08/2007 09:25:26 AM
Unapproved Minutesv2 1-26-07.doc 02/06/2007 09:33:09 AM
ASC 640 New Course.pdf 02/05/2007 04:03:39 PM
ASC BS Programs.doc 02/05/2007 08:26:49 AM
Statistics Minor.doc 01/31/2007 08:20:22 AM
APGECProposal 1-07.doc 01/30/2007 01:52:55 PM
PsychMajorRevision.pdf 01/10/2007 10:46:37 AM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Statistics Statistics Minor Revision Program Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Approved
Psychology Psychology Major Program Revision Program Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Approved
Arts and Sciences 640 Diversity Lecture Series New Registrar's Office N/A