Present: Adelson, Vasey, Shanda, Krissek, Harder, Hobgood, Mumy, Highley, Yerkes, Oltman, Baker, Mockabee, Mercerhill, Collier, Dutta, Wanzer, Lowry, Breitenberger, Andereck
i. Language 104 added back as requirement
ii. Student selected area: 597s added as option, also GEC Statistics courses at or above 400 level
iii. 181 hours to degree approved as minimum hours to degree for B.S.
iv. CAA will be meeting 4 weeks in a row to vet BS/BA templates and hours to degree, and to review Professional Colleges proposals
v. Hours to degree must go to University Senate after CAA; templates only need CAA action
vi. Cluster budget for pilot to be finalized this afternoon
2. Political Science Minor Revisions – Guests Charles Smith and Bill Liddle
a. Reviewed by Sub C; felt proposal was comprehensive, passed unanimously
b. Current version of minor has tracks that are outdated (ie Communist Systems) and intellectually incoherent
c. New version is more connected to careers and intellectually coherent
d. Would like to have separate PERMACUNS for each topic so that the individual focus areas appear on transcripts
e. Concern expressed about how students will understand the differences between the minors – the minor sheet and website will stress that students must consult with advisors in order to pursue minor
f. Question of if there is a way to provide more coherence to the general political science minor – the goal of keeping it the way it is currently is to provide students with opportunity to create their own track
g. Question of if there are possible core courses that can be listed for general minor – this was discussed, but the department does not have an introductory course; department will rely on the departmental advisors to steer students into a coherent path
h. Vote: 9 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
3. Design Major Revision – Guest Wayne Carlson
a. Rearrangement of content as a result of re-accreditation reviews and suggestions and departmental assessment
b. Sub B reviewed and approved unanimously
c. Proposal is to re-order courses and include Sustainability and improve drawing skills of students
d. Provides more feeder course work so that students learn more about other career paths
e. Question of whether there are enough faculty members to staff the additional courses – the department has readjusted faculty and graduate assistant assignments to allow for these new courses
f. Noted that the major is tightly controlled with a small cohort of students
g. Vote: 9 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
4. International Studies 533 & 550
a. Sub A reviewed and felt the syllabi were excellent and good additions to program and approved unanimously
b. Question about pre-requisites – should English 110 be included since there is extensive writing
c. 533 Syllabus
i. Remove the line noting that an “E” will be given for plagiarism, this is handled in the academic misconduct policy
ii. Remove the “(ok just joking)” from the top of the second page
d. Ensure that concurrence from Criminology is received
e. Question about whether they have to include graduate level work in syllabi, consensus is that 500 level does not require this
f. Question of how common it is to have a 5 credit classes that meet 4 hours – this is common as long as outside of class work makes up for extra hour
g. Motion to approve contingent on concurrence and changes to syllabus
i. Vote: 9 yes, 0 no, o abstention
5. Consideration of Changes to ASC Degree Requirements
a. Definition of Free Electives
i. Free electives provide room for students to experiment, complete a minor, and diversify their training
ii. Suggested that the wording should stay the same, even if it pushes some students above 181 hours
iii. Noted that some programs determine the electives by default or design which is in opposition to the definition
iv. Question of who enforces the rule – currently no one
v. Lack of enforcement would be more of a concern if there was an upper limit on hours to degree
vi. Requirement is a philosophical statement to students and should be used in advising to help students use the hours to meet the students’ needs
vii. Suggested that maybe these should be mandated outside of the major; concern expressed that this removes the student choice
viii. Suggested that free electives rule goes hand in hand with the rule that students can take no more than 15 hours outside ASC and no more than 80 hours in one registrar’s listing
ix. There is no easy way to track specific free electives as a graduate requirement because they can be any courses that are not identified as GEC or major requirements
Documents | |
Degree Requirement Topics for Discussion.doc | 03/02/2007 01:58:33 PM |
Design Major Revisions.pdf | 03/02/2007 10:26:59 AM |
Political Science Minor Revisions.pdf | 03/02/2007 10:26:45 AM |
International Studies 533.pdf | 03/02/2007 08:23:17 AM |
International Studies 550.pdf | 03/02/2007 08:22:42 AM |