Master of Geographic Information Science and Technology (new) (guest: Ningchuan Xiao)
Revision to the Social Sciences Air Transportation BA (guests: Nancy Ettlinger and Ali Grandey)
Approval of 2/18/2022 minutes
Panel updates
Direct instruction in DL courses (Mat Coleman)
Course Updates:
AAAS 3310 “Global Perspectives on the African Diaspora” (existing course requesting new GE Theme: Lived Environments)
Anthropology 3623 “Environmental Anthropology” (existing course requesting new GE Theme: Sustainability & new GE Theme: Lived Environments)
Art Education 5688 “Marketing, Communications, & Social Media in Nonprofit Arts Institutions” (new course)
Comparative Studies 2350 “Introduction to Folklore” (existing cross-listed courses with GE Cultures and Ideas; will become new GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
Comparative Studies 4420 “Cultural Food Systems and Sustainability” (new course requesting GE Theme Sustainability)
Consumer Sc: Fashion and Retail 2375 “From Folk to Funk to Festivals: the Interplay Between Music and Dress” (existing course requesting new GE Foundation Social and Behavioral Sciences) (return)
EALL 1231 “East Asian Humanities” (existing course with GE Cultures and Ideas & Diversity-Global Studies; will become new GE Foundation Historical and Cultural Studies; request for 100% DL)
EDUT&L 3368 “Black Voices Matter: Resisting Anti-Blackness via Black Youth Literature and Media” (new course requesting new GE Foundation LVPA and new GE Foundation REGD)
English 2270 “Introduction to Folklore” (existing cross-listed courses with GE Cultures and Ideas; will become new GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
English 3264 “Monsters Without and Within” (existing course with new GE Themes: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World & Health and Wellbeing; requesting 100% DL)
FRIT 3301 “Discovering Second Language Acquisition” (existing course requesting new GE Social and Behavioral Sciences)
History 3040 “The American City” (existing course with GE Historical Study and GE Diversity – Social Diversity in the U.S.; requesting new GE Theme: Lived Environments)
Music 2244 “African-American Musical Traditions” (existing course requesting change of credit hours from 2 to 3 credits)
Political Science 2120 “Follow the Science: the Politics of Health” (new course requesting new GE Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World & Health and Wellbeing)
Psychology 3900 “A Practical Guide to Ruling the World” (new course requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
Public Affairs 2170 “Equity, Justice, and Public Service” (new course; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
SASIA 2230 “Living Everyday Lives: Systems of Discrimination in the United States and South Asia” (new course; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
Slavic 3320 “Queer Comrades: Sexual Citizenship and LGBTQ Lives in Eastern Europe” (new course requesting new GE Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)