Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 2


  1. Approval of 2-24-22 minutes
  2. Environmental Arts and Humanities Minor (new program)
  3. Linguistics 3502 (existing course requesting new GE Foundation LVPA) (return)
  4. Music 3352 (new course requesting 100% DL; also requesting new GE Theme: Lived Environments with Research/Creative Inquiry Integrative Practice) (return)
  5. First-year seminar—Judson Jeffries
  6. First-year seminar—Jacob Risinger
  7. First-year seminar—Sean O’Sullivan
  8. First-year seminar—Ryan Helterbrand
  9. Philosophy 2540 (new course)
  10. English 2367.09S (new course requesting new GE Theme Lived Environments with Service Learning HIP)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Linguistics 3502 Klingon, Elvish, Dothraki: The Linguistics of Constructed Languages Change Request Completed
Music 3352 Soundscapes of Ohio New Request Completed
Arts and Sciences Environmental Arts and Humanities Minor Program Request Completed
Philosophy 2540 Introduction to the Philosophy of Rational Choice New Request Completed
English 3041S Literacy Narratives of Central Ohio Communities New Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present) Sent Back
Arts and Sciences 1137.xx First-year Seminar--Judson Jeffries New Request Completed
Arts and Sciences 1138.xx First-year Seminar--Jacob Risinger New Request Completed
Arts and Sciences 1137.xx First-year Seminar--Sean O'Sullivan New Request Completed
Arts and Sciences 1138.xx First-year Seminar--Ryan Helterbrand New Request Completed