Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 2


  1. Approval of 4-14-22 minutes
  2. History of Art 3905 (new course; requesting new GE Theme Lived Environments with Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching High Impact Practice) (cross-listed with International Studies 3905) (return)
  3. History 7905 (course change) (return)
  4. Spanish BA—request to withdraw the Hispanic Studies track
  5. Revision to the GIS in Singing Health (return)
  6. Linguistics 4052 (existing course currently listed as 2052H; change to upper-division course; remove Honors status; remove GEL Mathematical or Logical Analysis)
  7. Linguistics 2501 (existing course currently listed as 1100; change to 2000 level; GEL: Social Science—Individuals and Groups & Diversity-Global Studies; will become GEN Foundation: Social and Behavioral Sciences)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Music GIS in Singing Health Program Request Completed
History 7905 Graduate Pedagogy Change Request Completed
History of Art 3905 The Developing World on Screen New Request Completed
Spanish Revision to the Spanish BA—withdrawal of Hispanic Studies track Program Request Completed
Linguistics 4052 Lingistics and the Scientific Method Change Request Completed
Linguistics 2501 The Basics of Language for Language Learners Change Request Completed