Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 2


  1. Approval of 4-28-22 minutes
  2. English 3304 (existing course requesting 100% DL) (return)
  3. Music 3422 and 3425: Part of proposal to reallocate the credit assignment between Music Theory and Aural Skills in a number of Music programs (BM in Performance-Voice; BM in Performance-Brass, Harp, Percussion, Strings, or Woodwinds; BM in Performance-Piano; BM in Composition; BM in Jazz Studies—Composition Specialization; BM in Jazz Studies—Performance Specialization; BM in Musicology; BM in Theory; BM Education General; BM Education Choral; BM Education Instrumental; BA Music; BS Music; Music minor) This change will affect the credit hours of 12 courses. Since the changes will be identical for all 12 courses, A&H1 agreed they would be fine with just seeing complete course change submissions for Music 3422 and 3425 (the other courses are Music 2021, Music 2022, Music 2221, Music 2222, Music 2224, Music 2225, Music 3021, Music 3022, Music 3421, Music 3424).
  4. History 3012 (existing course with GE Historical Study; requesting 100% DL)
  5. Engineering 1300 (new course requesting NGE Foundation: Writing and Information Literacy)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
English 3304 Business and Professional Writing Change Request Completed
Music 2021 Music Theory I for Non-Majors Change Request Completed
Music 2221 Music Theory 1 Change Request Completed
Music 2022 Music Theory II for Non-Majors Change Request Completed
Music 2222 Music Theory II Change Request Completed
Music 3421 Music Theory III Change Request Completed
Music 3021 Music Theory III for Non-Majors Change Request Completed
Music 3422 Music Theory IV Change Request Completed
Music 3022 Music Theory IV for Non-Majors Change Request Completed
Music 2224 Aural Training I Change Request Completed
Music 2225 Aural Training II Change Request Completed
Music 3424 Aural Training III Change Request Completed
Music 3425 Aural Training IV Change Request Completed
Music Changes credit hours theory and aural skills courses Change Request Completed
History 3012 Antebellum America Change Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 2 N/A
Engineering (ENG) 1300 Introduction to Writing for STEM New Request Completed