Present: Adelson, Shanda, Trudeau, Florman, Hobgood, Harder, Mumy, Vasey, Lemberger, Baker, Oltmann, Andereck, Mockabee, Dutta, Wanzer, Collier, Corel, Francis, Highley
a. – minor has 2 tracks – Information Systems and Programming and Algorithms
b. Sub C reviewed and approved proposed changes unanimously
c. Primary change is to remove CSE 560 from both tracks since it is a course required for the majors and not appropriate for minors
d. Additional changes include making CSE 360 an elective instead of required and adding 201 or 202 to required course list
e. Changes in minor were triggered by changes in the field
f. Question of whether there are courses in other departments that might fit the minor: yes, but they would be approved by the advisor – noted that most minors are more focused within one department
g. Vote: 9 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
i. 80 hours in one Registrar’s listing
ii. Double counting of 2nd writing in BS degrees
iii. Removal of free electives – this will go to CAA.
1. New students will have 181 hour requirement
2. Other changes will be implemented incrementally
i. We were verbally re-accredited, waiting for final written report
ii. No major issues were identified—unusual for an institution of this size, and a great testament to all involved in the process
iii. Alexis Collier thanked for all of her work in assessment
iv. Team was impressed with the embedding of assessment, we will continue this process
i. Noted that it is important for students to understand what constitutes primary and secondary sources
i. One approach is to see which courses students are choosing – if they continue to take the traditional sequences, if so, assess the sequences
a. The Diversity Panel is reviewing proposals; panel chairs will be invited to next CCI meeting for a discussion of how their recommendations can be implemented
b. A-deans will be asked to give a summary of discussions occurring within the College curriculum committees
c. One challenge is to determine how the current Diversity requirement is doing
a. Currently, if students place at Level L (“ready for calculus”) on the math placement test, they have completed their math requirement
b. If students place in Level N (college algebra), the courses they may chose from do not match the placement level
c. If the goal is to get students to the pre-calculus level, the current system does not achieve that
d. MAPS CC recommends that the language about Level L be dropped from the BA GEC so that the requirement for Math & Logical Analysis would simply say “Select one course from the following list.”
e. Noted that this would require students who do place at Level L would have to take a math course that they do not currently have to take, this is a small number of students and only those pursuing a BA.
f. Placement exam will still have to be taken in order to fulfill the Basic Computational Skills category
g. Noted that there are courses in this list that students would not have seen in high school
Motion: Math & Logical Analysis category requirement will now read “Select one course from the following list.” Shanda, 2nd Lemberger
Vote: 10 Yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions
d. Concern that the courses we’d like to target for this proposal (upper-level GECs) might struggle given they are typically smaller courses that contain group work
e. General feeling of committee is that this proposal is largely unsupportable
i. Some feeling that students who would chose this option would be motivated students
ii. Student representative feels that any student who is motivated in this fashion would want the grade anyway
iii. Concern that we have 2 sets of students, those motivated to achieve, and those who will want the “easy way out”
iv. Concern that students who take this will have questionable motivation or time pressures
f. Question of whether we could get input from students – student rep will take it to student council
g. Concern that the students will love this idea and word will spread quickly, resulting in too many students in a particular course electing this option
h. Committee will table this proposal pending more information – including information regarding which courses have historically had pass/non-pass students and feedback from those instructors
a. Concern: Some departments tell students that their 294 is a GEC without getting approval
b. Some departments prefer the option as a way to help pilot a course
c. More discussion requested at future meeting
a. High School students can take a course that provides College and High School credit
b. Currently there is pressure on our regional campuses to offer these because of movements in private institutions
c. PSEO (Post Secondary Education Option) is one component of Dual Enrollment
d. Context: Ohio is trying to increase it’s per-capita income, which rises with the level of education attained; higher ed enrollment is a big concern in the state government; the higher ed system in Ohio is stressed with regards to enrollment capabilities; alignment between high school and higher ed is needed
e. The Ohio Core is a program to increase the academic rigor in high schools – every student will complete the pre-college requirements; only 24% of
f. Dual Enrollment options can be anything that a higher ed institution and a high school agree to establish
g. Currently most dual credit courses are being taught by high school teachers
i. CCI will monitor this pilot
ii. Math representative unable to attend the CCI discussion
iii. Psych 100: The Undergrad committee gave initial approval to pilot program, but has concerns – students have to meet an ACT minimum of 21 which is much lower than OSU standards of 27
iv. Department is going to insist that the course be taught the same way it is taught on campus - however, concern expressed over how this will be implemented, especially the diversity component; department will insist that high school teachers cannot teach the course – they will not have the credentials nor will they keep up with the changes in the field
v. Noted that the program states that students will be enriched by having college students in the course, but this will not likely be the case if it is offered in a high school building
vi. Department is requesting data from
vii. Question of whether we have graduate students who would be available to teach the courses – thought is that
i. Concern that there are unintended consequences for our students – those who get too many credits in high school lose their financial aid earlier because of too many college credits earned before they actually complete their degree
j. CCI will continue to discuss this in the future
k. Noted that the
Documents | |
BS-CIS Cover Letter.doc | 04/20/2007 01:33:43 PM |
Proposal on Pass_Non-pass Option.doc | 04/20/2007 10:44:01 AM |
BA Mathematical and Logical Analysis Proposal.doc | 04/20/2007 10:43:37 AM |
BS-CIS_Minor_Revision.pdf | 04/17/2007 09:04:33 AM |
Department | Course | Title | Type | Latest Committee | Latest Status | |
Mathematics | BS-CIS Minor Revision | Program | Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Approved |