Present: Shanda, Krissek, Hobgood, Mumy, Lowry, Berman, Harvey, Mockabee, Adeslson, Mercerhill, Korl, Dutta, Trudeau, Smith, Harder, Yerkes, Collier, Wanzer, Vasey, Florman, Francis, Schoen
i. 1st resolution: monitor ways to maintain breadth in the GEC
ii. 2nd resolution: CCI should encourage faculty to develop upper-level GECs
iii. 3rd resolution: create a new way to display the GEC information to make it easier for students and faculty to understand
iv. 4th resolution: Professional Colleges will have to submit proposals to CAA regarding an expected five credit reduction in their major in advance of the five credit GEC reductions going into effect
i. There is a coordinator located at the CIC headquarters
ii. Ed Adelson is the coordinator on our campus
iii. When students take a course via course share, they are registered in a course at their home institution
iv. The Advanced Political Methodologies course has been in existence for 10 years and has 4 institutions involved – they rotate coordination
v. Current trend is lower-level lesser taught languages which provide their own challenges with needs for tutors, etc
vi. Costs are still being figured out – plan was that funding would even out because the thought was that it would even out when each institution offers courses
vii. Calendars can be a challenge – students have to take courses as scheduled at the institution offering the course
viii. Humanities is working to establish some guidelines for their use in order to help with enrollment and financial concerns
Vote: 11 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
Motion: Harder, 2nd Hobgood
Vote: 11 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
i. Suggested that we revisit this after implementation has been started and we have assessment data of the current structure
ii. Question of what courses in this section have in common - noted that departments could still propose courses for Section A – they’d have to follow the current guidelines of the section
Motion: Shanda – approve the following parts of the proposal: page one, front and back (excluding the assessment guidelines that were included as a resource) 2nd Krissek
Vote: 11 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention
i. Rationale for keeping the Diversity requirement: long history of offering diversity at OSU, panel felt that it should not be put on the same footing as the rest of the insight areas
ii. Recommended that intellectual differences should be added to the list of differences listed in objective one – panel was trying to reflect current language and did not wish to propose anything new
iii. Committee would like to see the original language for social and international
iv. Noted that panel did not distinguish between western and non-western – if they serve different purposes, it would be good to identify these
v. Recommended that Claudia come back after the committee has more time to think about these guidelines
i. Panel has been meeting and working on new proposal and is struggling with an implementation issue
ii. Panel has worked with the proposal put forward to offer moral reasoning as an option with Visual and Technological literacy using a flag that shows on student transcripts and believes it can be implemented using the McHale learning objectives
iii. Panel believes that moral reasoning is important to partner with diversity so that students can think critically about moral and normative issues that divide cultures
iv. Literature shows that moral reasoning is deeply imbedded with diversity issues; research shows that the best way to teach moral reasoning is to use specific case studies and examples in an intentional course; felt that departments across the university would be capable of teaching such courses
i. Senate voted to include this in the GEC, it must be implemented in some way
ii. Noted that CCI has to vote on technological literacy and moral reasoning and that the committee has to think about these areas as whole
i. Humanities generally opposes reducing the diversity requirement; Philosophy has not taken any stand on diversity
ii. SBS feels that 2 courses in diversity would be ok, not convinced that it has to be 3; supports inclusion of the other 3 areas as long as diversity is decreased by 1
iii. Arts was in favor of the all inclusive option – felt that any student going through our GEC would touch on these areas and therefore it would simply be beneficial to flag these on transcripts
Documents | |
Insight_Panel_Proposal.doc | 05/03/2007 02:57:16 PM |
Unapporved Minutes CCI 4-27-07.doc | 05/03/2007 02:50:02 PM |