Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity Subcommittee


  1. Approval of 12-14-21 minutes
  2. Hebrew 3704 and Jewish Studies 3704 (existing cross-listed courses with GE Literature and GE Diversity-Global Studies; will be new GE Foundation: LVPA; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  3. Slavic 2995.99 and Comparative Studies 2995 (new cross-listed courses approved for 100% DL; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  4. History of Art 3010 (new course that is the non-H version of existing HoA 3010H with GE VPA & will be new GE Foundation: LVPA; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  5. AAAS 2270 (existing course with GE VPA and Diversity-Social Diversity in the U.S.; will be new GE Foundation LVPA; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  6. ESHESA 2577 (existing course with GE Diversity-Social Diversity in the U.S.; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  7. ESPHE 3206 (existing course with GE Diversity-Social Diversity in the U.S.; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
  8. AEDE 2400 (existing course with GE Diversity—Social Diversity in the U.S.; requesting new GE Foundation: REGD)
ASC REGD 01-26-2022 Approved Minutes.docx 02/18/2022 01:36:53 PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Hebrew 3704 Women in the Bible and Beyond Change Request Completed
Jewish Studies 3704 Women in the Bible and Beyond Change Request Completed
Slavic Languages and Literatures 2995.99 Race and Gender in Eastern Europe and the US: A Transatlantic Comparison New Request Completed
Comparative Studies 2995 Race and Gender in Eastern Europe and the US: A Transatlantic Comparison New Request Completed
History of Art 3010 Gender and Sexuality in Western Art New Request Completed
Educational Studies: Philosophy & History of Education (EHE) 3206 School and Society Change Request Completed
Educational Studies: Higher Education & Student Affairs (EHE) 2577 Diversity and Social Justice in Leadership Change Request Completed
Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (FAES) 2400 Diversity in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities Change Request Completed
African American and African Studies 2270 Introduction to Black Popular Culture Change Request Completed