College Committee - MAPS


11-12:30, Stillman 425

Assessment - Ed Adelson, Alexis Collier
Course requests below
Astronomy major name change proposal

Present: Ryden, Andereck, Mercerhill, Gerlach, Shelton, Haddad, Verducci, Carey, Hughes

Guest: Ed Adelson

  1. Tabling Astrophysics proposal until Physics concurrence is received
  1. Assessment
    1. Assessment of Majors – information on Intranet
    2. Committee members asked to help steer departments in assessment practices
    3. ASC Exit Survey – please provide feedback and any changes for your departmental questions

                                                               i.      Think about how to get students to complete survey

1.      provide results to students via alumni newsletters

2.      work with alumni association

3.      provide $ off of graduation gowns

                                                             ii.      results should be used to track effectives of goals and objectives

                                                            iii.      notify Dave Andereck if there are other people from your department that should be present for the Major assessment meeting in November

                                                           iv.      This committee will look at major program assessment practices and provide feedback, share best practices

  1. Chair of committee- to be voted on next meeting
  1. Course proposals:
    1. Statistics minor revisions

                                                               i.      Focus will be strictly on undergraduate courses

                                                             ii.      Vote – 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions = approved

    1. Statistics 451

                                                               i.      Request concurrence from Sociology and Political Science (Joe checking into these)

                                                             ii.      Vote – 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions = approved

    1. Math 655, 656, 657

                                                               i.      Vote - 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions = approved

Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Statistics Statistics Minor Revision Program Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Approved
Mathematics 655 Elementary Topology I Change Registrar's Office Pending
Mathematics 656 Elementary Topology II Change Registrar's Office Pending
Mathematics 657 Elementary Topology III Change Registrar's Office Pending
Statistics 451 Statistical Foundations of Survey Research New Registrar's Office N/A