College Committee - MAPS


11 - 12:30, Stillman 425
Course requests below
Program Assessment

Present: Ryden, Andereck, Mercerhill, Gerlach, Shelton, Hadad, Verducci, Hughes

  1. Election of Chair – approved
    1. Joe Verducci, Autumn Quarter
    2. Barbara Ryden, Winter and Spring Quarters 
  1. October 6 minutes approved
  1. Course Proposals        
    1. Statistics 625 – approved

                                                               i.      Add “or permission of instructor” and “Stat 520/521 OR 610/623” to prereqs

    1. Biostatistics 605 - approved 
  1. Major Program Assessment
    1. Chemistry

                                                               i.      Assessment discussed at retreat, regular faculty meetings, divisions, and undergraduate committee

                                                             ii.      Assessment methods/tools used

1.      MFT

2.      Divisional Surveys

3.      ASC Exit Survey

                                                            iii.      ASC exit survey suggested that communication skill development is needed – undergraduate curriculum committee looking into how to address this

                                                           iv.      Working on making lab classes more engaging for students

                                                             v.      Majors creating more surveys

                                                           vi.      Survey of alumni being developed

                                                          vii.      Forming an Undergraduate Research Consortium across Ohio

    1. Members can use the Chemistry report distributed to see ASC exit survey questions – please review and be prepared to provide feedback about the questions themselves 
  1. Chemistry credit hours
    1. Currently courses are offered for 3 credit hours – actual work load is 5 hours
    2. Student complaints are frequent
    3. Department would like to increase hours, but courses are required in programs across campus
    4. Christopher would like to begin discussions about increase with departments requiring courses
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Statistics Biostatistics 605 Aplied Survival Analysis Change Registrar's Office N/A
Statistics 625 Applied Bayesian Analysis New Registrar's Office Pending