Present: Ryden, Shelton, Verducci, Hughes, Andereck, Doty, Parson, Mercerhill, Adelson, Collier
- November 3rd minutes approved
- ASC Exit Survey
- How do we get numbers to a point that is useful?
i. We could plan a mandatory survey that would be required
1. Looking into actually requiring
a. Can it be included in advising for graduation?
ii. Long term collection of data will provide more useful numbers
- Plan is to provide generic major questions
i. Each department that wants specific major questions will have that opportunity
- Possible to have college specific questions? Yes
- Proposed Physics questions to be circulated
- Do students know what college they are in?
i. Recruitment efforts are making this clearer
- How many surveys are students being asked to do?
- Need ASC partnership with Majors to track alumni
- Incorporate service questions into college level questions?
- Computer program that recognizes students and tailors questions to his or her profile is being created.
- When composing questions, keep in mind what your purpose is and don’t ask questions that you don’t want the data for.
- Outcomes specific to honors students need to be considered
- Why is Engineering successful at tracking alumni? Can we learn from them?
i. Interview engineering advisors
ii. A strong alumni association helps
iii. MAPS developing a relationship with the Alumni
- Chemistry gets contact information through invitation to a reception
- Is there a way to share and/or compare alumni lists University wide?
- Alumni survey is meant to be department-specific
- ASC career services is interested in using data to show students what jobs our graduates get
- Important for departments to help get word out to students about alumni surveys to help raise response rate
- Put Section in Department Newsletters to alumni requesting updated contact info
- Major questions to be included in exit survey needed by end of January for inclusion in spring survey
- Is there a need to ask different questions for programs within the major?
- Major Program Assessment
- Physics- MFT required
i. incentive - raffle off gift certificates
- Chemistry is considering standardized testing
- Astronomy-
i. Graduating seniors do exit surveys
ii. Undergrad Studies review info and make curricular changes as needed
- Mathematics
i. Questioning eliminating or making bigger some courses or sequences
ii. Collaborating with engineering to determine why students drop courses or sequences?
iii. Is there a course that all students take that the survey can be done in?
- Can students who don’t respond to surveys be tagged and sent a follow-up email?
i. Can Carmen be used?