Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 1


  1. Approval of 9-21-22 minutes
  2. English 3022 (new course requesting GEN Theme: Sustainability)
  3. Linguistics 4602 (existing course with GEL Social Science—Individuals and Groups & Diversity—Social Diversity in the U.S.; requesting to change levels from 3000 to 4000-level; title change; increase credit hours from 3 to 4; addition of prerequisites; requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World with High Impact Practice Research and Creative Inquiry)
  4. ASC 6000 (new course)
  5. Linguistics 3000 (new course)
  6. English 3340 (new course requesting GEN Theme: Sustainability)
  7. Spanish 4542 (new course requesting GEN Theme: Sustainability)
  8. German 3798.02 (existing course with GEL Diversity—Global Studies & GEL Education Abroad; requesting to change levels from 2000 to 3000-level; title change; increase credit hours from 3 to 4; requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World with High Impact Practice Study Abroad and Away)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
English 3022 Media Sustainability New Request Completed
Linguistics 4602 Language and Belonging in the U.S. Change Request Completed
Arts and Sciences 6000 Career Exploration for Graduate Students New Request Completed
Linguistics 3000 Writing for Linguistics New Request Completed
Spanish 4542 Taco Planet: Food, Sustainability & Latin(x) American Cultures New Request Completed
German 3798.02 Global May Germany Change Request Completed
English 3340 Reimagining Climate Change New Request Completed