Present: McGraw, Mumy, Vasey, Haddad, David, Davis, Knapp, Cox, Mercerhill, Steckel, Bellair, Liddle
i. Disability statement should be earlier in syllabus
ii. Need misconduct statement - would go nicely under course requirements
iii. Rick sending revised syllabus to Curriculum Office
i. Revised syllabus will be sent to curriculum office
ii. House cleaning- changing to 836.01 to 836
i. Question of lightness of text used
1. Is that really providing an honors experience?
2. Is there more information about the course that is not revealed in syllabus?
ii. Bill Liddle will take the Committee’s concerns back to the course instructor
i. Added one course requirement for each minor
ii. Additional courses that may be counted with approval of advisor were listed as such
iii. Will request that “Political Science” will be part of PERMACUN name for each minor
i. Diversity panel has embraced current model
i. Don’t students already get this as part of VPA?
1. Suggested that it should be considered as part of 2nd writing course
2. Concern expressed over making GEC more complicated
3. Suggested that topics be recommended and not required
4. Overall thought is good category but is this the best way to approach it?
5. Advising is key.
Department | Course | Title | Type | Latest Committee | Latest Status | |
Political Science | Political Science Minor Revision | Program | Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Pending | ||
Psychology | 836 | Developmental Psychology | Change | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
Economics | 844 | Research Topics in Time Series Econometrics | New | Registrar's Office | N/A |