1:30 -3:00, Brown 105
Approval of meeting minutes
181 as Quality vs. Quantity and Less is More. Karen Bell will join us for the first part of our meeting to hear your viewpoints and for discussion about dropping to 181 as a minimum requirement for Bachelor of Arts Degree.
Course Requests from Design
ARTS PSP: Susan Van Pelt Petry worked with a committee to create/align the ARTS Personalized Study Programs (PSPs) with the current Arts and Sciences PSPs. Enclosed is a rough version of what they adopted. If we could review the documents and give feedback then we can finalize these and get them in circulation.
For the future: We would like to hear from you what new initiatives are happening in your departments. If we could have an update from each unit by Monday, October 30, then we can compile them and distribute for the Nov. 2 meeting.
FYI: The Arts and Sciences Senior Survey that the Federation conducted last Spring 2006 is available in hard copy in the ARTS Dean's office in Hopkins 152 or at ascnet.osu.edu