Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present)


  1. Approval of 12-9-22 minutes
  2. German 3352 (existing course with GEL Cultures and Ideas and GEL Diversity—Global Studies; requesting to change levels from 2000 to 3000-level; title change; course description change; increase credit hours from 3 to 4; requesting GEN Theme: Lived Environments with High Impact Practice Education Abroad and Away)
  3. Education: Teaching & Learning 4303 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Lived Environments)
  4. Sociology 3597.01 (existing course with GEL Cross-Disciplinary Seminar & GEL Diversity-Global Studies; requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) COURSE PARTLY REVIEWED AT 12-9-22 MEETING: APPROVED WITH CONTINGENCY BY THEMES PANEL & TABLED FOR LACK OF VOTES BY TAG
  5. Yiddish 3399 (existing course with GEL Literature and GEL Diversity—Global Studies; increase credit hours from 3 to 4; requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World with High Impact Practice Research and Creative Inquiry) COURSE PARTLY REVIEWED AT 12-9-22 MEETING: FEEDBACK WAS PROVIDED BY THEMES PANEL FOR BOTH THEME + HIP (THEY DECIDED ON NO VOTE) & TABLED FOR LACK OF VOTES BY TAG
  6. Hebrew 3705 (existing course with GEL Cultures and Ideas & GEL Diversity-Global Studies; requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) COURSE TABLED FOR LACK OF TIME AT 12-9-22 MEETING; TO BE REVIEWED BY BOTH TAG AND THEMES PANEL
  7. History 3222 (existing course with GE Historical Study; requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) (return) COURSE TABLED FOR LACK OF VOTES AT 12-9-22 MEETING; COURSE FULLY APPROVED BY ASCC THEMES PANEL; ONLY NEEDS TO BE VOTED ON BY TAG
  8. Philosophy 2390 (new course requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  9. WGSS, AAAS, and Comparative Studies 4921 (existing cross-listed courses requesting GEN Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) (RETURN)(PREVIOUSLY FULLY APPROVED BY TAG; ONLY NEEDS TO BE VOTED ON BY THEMES PANEL)
  10. Anthropology 5609 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Origins and Evolution) (return; one of the courses pre-approved by the TAG)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
History 3222 The Roman Empire, 69-337 CE Change Request Completed
Anthropology 5609 Dental Anthropology Change Request Completed
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 4921 Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference Change Request Completed
African American and African Studies 4921 Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference Change Request Completed
Comparative Studies 4921 Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference Change Request Completed
German 3352 The Development of Contemporary Dresden Change Request Completed
Philosophy 2390 Ethics and Leadership in a Diverse World New Request Completed
Sociology 3597.01 World Problems in Global Context Change Request Completed
Yiddish 3399 The Holocaust in Yiddish Writing and Film Change Request Completed
Hebrew 3705 Israeli Society and the Holocaust Change Request Completed
Education: Teaching & Learning (EHE) 4303 Language, Diversity, and Education Change Request Completed