Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 1


  1. Approval of 8/28/23 minutes
  2. French 2804 (existing course with GEN Foundation REGD; requesting 100% DL delivery)
  3. South Asia Studies 3635 (new course requesting 100% DL and GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  4. MRS 3217 (existing course with GEL Cultures and Ideas & Diversity-Global Studies; request to change level/number from 2217 & add GEN Theme Lived Environments)
  5. Music 5801 (new course)
  6. ASC 6001 (new course)
  7. Art 3335 (existing course requesting to change level/number from 5335)
  8. Classics 3700 (new course requesting GEN Theme Lived Environments)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Medieval and Renaissance Studies 3217 Shakespeare's London Change Request Completed
Arts and Sciences 6001 Holistic Professional/Life Planning: Creating a Strategy That is Tailored to You New Request Completed
South Asia Studies 3635 Desi Diaspora: South Asians in the United States New Request Completed
Art 3335 Advanced Digital Photography and Contemporary Issues Change Request Completed
French 2804 Rebels and Runaways: Slave Narratives of the French-Speaking World Change Request Completed
Classics 3700 Pompeii New Request Completed
Music 5801 Analysis of Video Game Music New Request Completed