Present: Breitenberger, Eakins, Horn, Cole, Conroy, Tuovinen, Mercerhill, Dinan
- Chair election – an E-mail ballot will be sent
- October 16 minutes approved
- McHale Recommendations update
- Hours to degree – proposed change from 191 to 181
i. BA GEC template reduces GEC by 5 hours
ii. Decrease in hours for free electives for B.S. would mean students can take 1 free elective course, however, students are taking more hours than needed currently
iii. Reduction in requirements would not mean much for Bio students
iv. New BA template not likely to affect enrollment numbers for most Bio courses – second courses in sequences (i.e. biology 102, Entomology 102, PCMB 102) are likely to see some reduction in enrollments, possibly minor
- Physics questionnaire
- Are courses meeting your department’s needs? Discuss with other members in your department such as curricular chairs and coordinating advisors and complete survey
- Would there be interest in Physics Calculus for Life Sciences? yes
- Bio Sci 500 – Approved with contingencies
- Suggested that course be 400 level, not enough substance for 500
- Biology 250 - tabled
- Required of Bio Sci Scholars with GPA less than 2.75 after fall quarter, and otherwise limited to Bio Sci Scholars
- Is there tracking info on students who have taken it as group studies?
- Caroline to bring textbook to next meeting