Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 2


  1. Approval of 10-11-23 minutes
  2. History of Art 3625H (existing course changing the level from 4000 to 3000 & the course description; also requesting GEN Foundation LVPA) (return; initially submitted under 4625H)
  3. Music 5802 (new course)
  4. Greek 1101 (existing course with GEL Foreign Language and GEN Foundation World Languages; change the credit hours from 5 to 4)
  5. Greek 1102 (existing course with GEL Foreign Language and GEN Foundation World Languages; change the credit hours from 5 to 4)
  6. Latin 1101.01 (existing course with GEL Foreign Language and GEN Foundation World Languages; change the credit hours from 5 to 4)
  7. Latin 1102.01 (existing course with GEL Foreign Language and GEN Foundation World Languages; change the credit hours from 5 to 4)
  8. Seal of Biliteracy Proposal
  9. Russian 2850 (new course requesting GEN Foundation Historical and Cultural Studies & GEN REGD)
  10. Slavic 4595 (new course requesting GEN Theme TCT)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
History of Art 3625H Abstract Art Change Request Completed
Music 5802 Analysis of Popular Music New Request Completed
Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures Seal of Biliteracy Program Request Completed
Greek 1101 Elementary Ancient Greek Change Request Completed
Greek 1102 Intermediate Ancient Greek I Change Request Completed
Latin 1101.01 Elementary Latin I Change Request Completed
Latin 1102.01 Intermediate Latin I Change Request Completed
Russian 2850 Other Russias New Request Completed
Slavic Languages and Literatures 4595 The Politics of Difference in Southeast Europe New Request Completed