Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present)


  1. Approval of 9-19-23 minutes
  2. Chemistry and Pharmacy 3301 (new cross-listed courses requesting GEN Theme Health and Wellbeing) (tabled from last time)
  3. Earth Sciences 2204 (existing course with GEL Natural Science-Physical Science; requesting GEN Theme: Lived Environments & Health and Wellbeing) 5-13-22 FOR LIVED ENVIRONMENTS:  FULLY APPROVED BY TAG; STILL NEEDS TO BE VOTED ON BY ASCC THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE; FOR HEALTH AND WELLBEING: NEITHER THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE NOR TAG VOTED ON THAT THEME. (tabled from last time)
  4. Pharmacy 2367.01 (existing course with GEL Writing and Communication—Level 2; requesting new GE Theme Health and Wellbeing) (return) FULLY APPROVED BY TAG; ONLY NEEDS TO BE REVIEWED BY THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE
  5. Pharmacy 2367.02 (existing course with GEL Writing and Communication—Level 2 and previously approved for 100% DL; requesting new GE Theme Health and Wellbeing) THIS IS THE FULLY ONLINE VERSION OF 2367.01. IT NEEDS TO BE REVIEWED BY BOTH THE TAG AND THE THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE.
  6. College of Medicine 3585 (new course requesting GEN Theme Health and Wellbeing)
  7. Italian 2102 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations with Instruction in a World Language High Impact Practice) (tabled from last time)
  8. NELC 2244 (existing course with GEL Diversity--Global Studies & GEL VPA, previously approved for 100% DL; requesting GEN Theme Lived Environments)
  9. History 3704 and Microbiology 3704 (existing cross-listed courses; requesting GEN Theme Origins and Evolution with Interdisciplinary and Integrated Collaborative Teaching High Impact Practice—with increase from 3 cr hrs to 4 credit hrs)
ASCC Themes Panel Approved Minutes 10-03-2023.docx 11/21/2023 01:25:13 PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Earth Sciences 2204 Exploring Water Issues Change Request Completed
Pharmacy (PHR) 2367.01 Drug Use in American Culture Change Request Completed
Chemistry 3301 Science and Process of Drug Development New Request Completed
Pharmacy (PHR) 3301 Science & Process of Drug Development New Request Completed
Italian 2102 Contemporary Italian Society Change Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
Microbiology 3704 HIV: From Microbiology to Macrohistory Change Request Completed
History 3704 HIV: From Microbiology to Macrohistory Change Request Completed
Pharmacy (PHR) 2367.02 Drug Use in American Culture Change Request Completed
Medicine, College of (MED) 3585 Health and Wellbeing in Eastern Europe New Request Completed
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures 2244 Films of the Middle East Change Request Completed