Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present)


  1. Welcome and introductions.
  2. Overview of the work of the subcommittee
  3. Approval of 5/2/23 minutes
  4. WGSS 3200 (existing course previously approved for 100%DL; requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) PREVIOUSLY FULLY APPROVED BY ASCC THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE, STILL NEEDS TO BE VOTED ON BY TAG
  5. Classics 3210 (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  6. Classics 3301 (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  7. Classics 3302 (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  8. AAAS 3110 (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  9. Bioethics 3880 (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  10. Sociology 3302 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) (return) PREVIOUSLY FULLY APPROVED BY ASCC THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE, STILL NEEDS TO BE VOTED ON BY TAG
  11. Earth Sciences 2210 (existing course with GEL Natural Science—Physical Science; requesting GEN Theme Sustainability) PREVIOUSLY FULLY APPROVED BY TAG, STILL NEEDS TO BE VOTED ON BY ASCC THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Sociology 3302 Technology and Global Society Change Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) Sent Back
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 3200 Breaking the Law: An Introduction to Gender Justice Change Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
Earth Sciences 2210 Energy, Mineral Resources, and Society Change Request Completed
Classics 3210 Classics and African American Political Thought New Request Completed
Classics 3302 Citizenship in Democratic Athens New Request Completed
Classics 3301 Law, Citizenship, and Empire in Later Rome New Request Completed
African American and African Studies 3110 Social (In)Justice and the Black Experience New Request Completed
Bioethics (MED) 3880 Crisis Bioethics: Citizenship in Disasters, Pandemics and Humanitarian Settings New Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A