Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 1


  1. Approval of 1-30-24 minutes
  2. German 3250.02 (new course requesting 100%DL and GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) The in-person version of the course, 3250.01 was recently approved as a new course by the A&H1 subcommittee German 3250.01 Revised 02-06-2024.pdf ( 
  3. Arabic 1101.02 (existing course with GEL Foreign Language and GEN Foundation World Languages; requesting 100% DL)
  4. Arabic 1102.02 (existing course with GEL Foreign Language and GEN Foundation World Languages; requesting 100% DL)
  5. Arabic 1103.02 (existing course with GEL Foreign Language and GEN Foundation World Languages; requesting 100% DL)
  6. Arabic 2104.02 (existing course requesting 100% DL)
  7. Art Education 5681 (new course)
  8. MRS 3211 (existing course with GEL Cultures and Ideas & Diversity-Global Studies; request to change level/number from 2211, remove GEN Foundation Historical and Cultural Studies, and add GEN Theme Lived Environments)
  9. Classics 2206 (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Art Education 5681 Black Art in America: Arts and Cultural Policies from Reconstruction to Afrofuturism New Request Completed
German 3250.02 Citizenship in the Age of Technology: Exploring Social Justice through Science Fiction in Germany New Request Completed
Arabic 1101.02 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I: Intensive Change Request Completed
Arabic 1102.02 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II: Intensive Change Request Completed
Arabic 1103.02 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I: Intensive Change Request Completed
Arabic 2104.02 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II: Intensive Change Request Completed
Classics 2206 Politics and Political Thought in the Ancient World New Request Completed
Medieval and Renaissance Studies 3211 Medieval Kyoto: Portraits and Landscapes Change Request Completed