Present: Bunker, Childs, Heiden, Lowry, Tebben, Bitters, Mercerhill
Excused: Jacobs
i. Deb speaking with Undergraduate Studies Directors next week
ii. HUM CC in two weeks
iii. Undergraduate Studies Directors meeting 3 weeks
iv. Dec. 1, Executive summary due for College
i. VPA request – committee questions fit for this category (although intrigued by idea) and would like Michelle Herman to attend next meeting to discuss
i. Name on syllabus needs to match course title “Latin American Film”
i. The HUM CC was very impressed with the entire proposal; it was well-thought out and presented.
ii. Recommended that a course in Italian Opera be considered
iii. P. 8 of proposal – 4 year plan needs 2nd 600 level course
iv. P. 9 – 402 pre-requisite should read 202
v. Italian 202 – approved
vi. Italian 401 – approved with contingency
1. separate out % for midterm and final
vii. Italian 402 – approved with contingency
1. submit oral rubric
2. grading adds up to 90% and needs to be re-figured
viii. Italian 420 – approved with contingency
1. submit 2nd syllabus
2. add “: subtitle” for both syllabi (Italian Culture Through the Ages:__________”)
ix. Italian 421 – approved with contingency
1. separate out % for exams
x. Italian 423 – approved with contingency
1. separate out % for exams
xi. Italian 450 – approved with contingency
1. request concurrence from Theatre
xii. Italian 601 – approved
xiii. Italian 613 – approved
1. syllabus - add review for final exam last class
xiv. Italian 614 – approved
xv. Italian 615 – approved
xvi. Italian 603 & 604 – withdrawals approved
Department | Course | Title | Type | Latest Committee | Latest Status | |
English | 585.01 | Introduction to the Study of Literacy | Change | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Chinese | 717 | Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Media | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Spanish | 780 | Latin American Film | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Italian | Proposal for the new Italian Undergraduate Curriculum | Program | Registrar's Office | N/A |