Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee


  1. Approval of 1/19/24 minutes
  2. WGSS 2900 (new course requesting GEN Foundation Social and Behavioral Sciences and GEN Foundation REGD)
  3. Anthropology 3504 (existing course requesting to be offered for fixed 3 credits instead of variable 3-4 credits)
  4. Anthropology 5685.02 (new course)
  5. Anthropology 5685.03 (new course)
  6. Anthropology 5685.04 (new course)
  7. ASC 3120 (new course requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  8. Economics 8877 (new course)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 2900 Data Feminism New Request Completed
Anthropology 3504 Introduction to Anatomy Change Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee Approved with Contingency
Anthropology 5685.02 Summer Field School in Archaeology - Turpin Site New Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee Approved with Contingency
Anthropology 5685.03 Summer Field School in Archaeology - Pickaway County Cholera Cemetery New Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee Approved with Contingency
Economics 8877 Experimental Economics Methodology New Request Completed
Anthropology 5685.04 Summer Field School in Archaeology - Poland New Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee Approved with Contingency
Arts and Sciences 3120 Information, Citizenship, and Social Justice New Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Pending