Present: Childs, Jacobs, Heiden, Bunker, Mercerhill, Renken, Bitter
a. Somali 101 -104
a. Request that proposer come to discuss nature of courses
b. Concern over who is teaching – rationale statement institutionalizes that course will be taught by lecturer
c. All syllabi need reading assignments week by week
d. Course objectives need to be different from one another.
- Comp Studies 585.01 – approved
- Minutes approved for Nov. 3 & Nov. 17
- Modern Greek H250 – bring back Winter, committee needs to see the entire package at once.
- EALL 357 – approved contingent on changes below
- To be listed on minor per request of Dorry Noyes
- Needs to reference final exam (if project is final, state so); written portion due regularly scheduled exam time
- Projects/presentations need to be added to schedule
- Neil Jacobs and Elizabeth Renken will be off-duty Winter. Chris Highley will be back, but we need to get a replacement for Neil.