Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present)


  1. Approval of 1/31/2024 and 2/14/2024 minutes
  2. EEOB 2260 (new course requesting GEN Theme Origins and Evolution with Research and Creative Inquiry HIP)
  3. MRS 3211 (existing course with GEL Cultures and Ideas & Diversity-Global Studies; request to change level/number from 2211, remove GEN Foundation Historical and Cultural Studies, and add GEN Theme Lived Environments)
  4. Chinese 4409 (new course requesting 100% DL delivery & GEN Themes: Citizenship for a Just and Diverse World & Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations)
  5. Classics and History 3224 (new courses requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World and GEN Theme Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations)
  6. Comparative Studies & Theatre 3130H (new cross-listed courses requesting GEN Theme Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations with Research and Creative Inquiry High Impact Practice) (only needs HIP approved—everything else is approved)
ASCC Themes Panel Approved Minutes 02-28-2024.docx 04/06/2024 05:32:20 PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Chinese 4409 (Counter-)Culture in Contemporary China New Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
Comparative Studies 3130H Introduction to Performance Studies New Request Completed
Theatre 3130H Introduction to Performance Studies New Request Completed
Classics 3224 Citizens and Subjects of Rome: Empire, Slavery, and Law New Request Completed
History 3224 Citizens and Subjects of Rome: Empire, Slavery, and Law New Request Completed
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology 2260 Discovering Biodiversity using Integrative Research New Request Completed
Medieval and Renaissance Studies 3211 Medieval Kyoto: Portraits and Landscapes Change Request Completed