Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present)



1. Approval of 4/10/24
2. German 3253.01 (existing course with GEL Cultures and Ideas; requesting number change, course title/focus change, and GEN Theme GEN Theme Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations)
3. German 3253.02 (“new” course requesting 100% DL and GEN Theme GEN Theme Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations; will automatically receive the GEL Cultures and Ideas of the in-person version)
4. English and Comparative Studies 5189S (existing cross-listed courses requesting GEN Theme Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations with Research and Creative Inquiry High Impact Practice)
5. History 2213 (existing course with GEL Historical Study and GEN Foundation Historical and Cultural Studies; request to remove GEN Foundation Historical and Cultural Studies & add GEN Theme Lived Environments)
6. Biology 2750 (new course requesting GEN Theme Lived Environments) (return)
7. College of Medicine 3585 (new course requesting GEN Theme Health and Wellbeing) (return) FULLY APPROVED BY TAG; ONLY NEEDS REVIEW BY THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE

ASCC Themes Panel I Approved Minutes 04-24-2024.docx 06/17/2024 08:33:08 AM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Medicine, College of (MED) 3585 Health and Wellbeing in Eastern Europe New Request Completed
Biology 2750 Scientific Thought in an Anecdotal World New Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
German 3253.02 German Immigration in the US New Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
German 3253.01 German Immigration in the US Change Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
English 5189S Comparative Studies Field School Change Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
Comparative Studies 5189S Comparative Studies Field School Change Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
History 2213 The Ancient Mediterranean City Change Request Completed