Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present)


  1. Approval of 2/5/24 minutes
  2. Comparative Studies 4021 (new course with 100% DL requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  3. Sociology 2368 (existing course with GEL Writing and Communication—Level 2, GEL Social Science—Organizations and Polities, and GEN Foundation: Social and Behavioral Sciences; previously approved for 100% DL; requesting number change from 2367.02, removal of GEL Writing and Communication--Level 2, removal of GEN Foundation: Social and Behavioral Sciences, and addition of GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Just and Diverse World)
  4. Sociology 3597.02 (existing course with GEL Diversity—Global Studies and GEL Cross-Disciplinary Seminar; requesting GEN Theme : Citizenship for a Just and Diverse World)
  5. History 3281 (existing course with GEL Historical Study and GEL Diversity—Global Studies; requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Just and Diverse World)
  6. History of Art 4630 (existing course with GEL VPA; request to remove GEN Foundation LVPA and replace by GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) (return)
  7. Social Work 3202 (new course requesting GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)  (return)
  8. Communication 3597.02 (existing course with GEL Diversity-Global Studies and GEL Cross-Disciplinary Seminar; requesting GEN Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) (return) TAG WILL REVIEW WHETHER THEIR CONTINGENCY OF 9/16/22 WAS ADDRESSED; THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE NEVER VOTED ON COURSE PREVIOUSLY
  9. German 3250.01 (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) (return) ONLY NEEDS TAG VOTE; FULLY APPROVED BY THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE
  10. Agricultural Systems Management & HCS 3586 (new cross-listed courses requesting GEN Theme Sustainability with Interdisciplinary and Integrated Collaborative Teaching High Impact Practice) (return) THEME FULLY APPROVED. ONLY NEEDS TO BE REVIEWED BY ASCC THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE FOR HIP
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Horticulture and Crop Science (FAES) 3586 Digital Agriculture with Laboratory New Request Completed
Agricultural Systems Management (FAES) 3586 Digital Agriculture with Laboratory New Request Completed
Communication 3597.02 Media and Terrorism Change Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
Social Work (SOC) 3202 Introduction to Activism: Facilitating Contemporary Social Movements New Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) Sent Back
History of Art 4630 American Art Change Request Completed
German 3250 Citizenship in the Age of Technology: Exploring Social Justice through Science Fiction in Germany New Request Completed
Comparative Studies 4021 Banned Books and the Cost of Censorship New Request Completed
Sociology 2368 Urban Social Problems Change Request Completed
History 3281 Imperial Russia Change Request Completed
Sociology 3597.02 World Population Problems Change Request Completed