Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present)


  1. Approval of 4/22/24 minutes
  2. History, WGSS, and AAAS 3084 (new cross-listed courses requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  3. WGSS 4403 (existing course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)
  4. History of Art 4630 (existing course with GEL VPA; request to remove GEN Foundation LVPA and replace by GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) (return)
  5. Educational Studies 3280 (new course approved for 100% DL; requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World & GEN Theme Lived Environments)
  6. Geography 3650 (new course requesting Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) (return)
  7. Ethnic Studies 3572 (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World & GEN Theme Migration, Mobility, and Immobility)
  8. Ethnic Studies 3408 (new course requesting GEN Theme Migration, Mobility, and Immobility)
  9. Astronomy 2143 (existing course with GEL Natural Science—Physical Science; renumbering from 1143 to 2143; change course description; requesting GEN Theme Number, Nature, Mind & Origins and Evolution) (return) THIS COURSE IS PRE-APPROVED FOR THE THEMES--IT ONLY NEEDS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE THEMES SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Astronomy 2143 Cosmology: History of the Universe Change Request Completed
History of Art 4630 American Art Change Request Completed
Geography 3650 A World Divided? Place, Space, and Regions in World Affairs New Request Completed
Ethnic Studies 3572 Central American Migrants in the United States New Request Completed
Ethnic Studies 3408 Disaster, Displacement and Recovery in 21st Century Latinx Graphic Narratives New Request Completed
African American and African Studies 3084 Citizens Behind Bars: Black Leadership and the Politics of Liberation in African American History New Request Completed
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 3084 Citizens Behind Bars: Black Leadership and the Politics of Liberation in African American History New Request Completed
History 3084 Citizens Behind Bars: Black Leadership and the Politics of Liberation in African American History New Request Completed
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 4403 Gender, Race & Leadership Change Request Completed
Educational Studies (EHE) 3280 Online Community through social media: new meanings of learning in an evolving information age New Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
History of Art 3408 Disaster, Displacement and Recovery in 21st Century Latinx Graphic Narratives New Request Completed