Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 1


110 Denney

1. Welcome and introductions
2. Approval of 4-30-24 minutes
3. History of Art & AFAMAST 2009 (new cross-listed courses; requesting GEN Foundation LVPA & REGD) 
4. Comparative Studies 3007 (existing course with GEL Cultures and Ideas & GEL Diversity—Global Studies; requesting change of number from 2000-level to 3000-level; addition of 100% DL delivery mode; GEN Theme Citizenship for a Just and Diverse World with Research and Creative Inquiry High-Impact Practice)
5. NELC 5145 (new course) (return)
6. French 1133 (new course requesting GEN Foundation World Languages & 100% DL delivery)
7. Design 6130 (new course)
8. Design 6230 (new course)
9. Design 6441 (new course)

Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures 5145 Digital Editions of Ancient Texts and Artifacts New Request Completed
History of Art 2009 Introduction to African American Art New Request Completed
French 1133 French for the Health Professions New Request Completed
African American and African Studies 2009 Introduction to African American Art New Request Completed
Design 6130 Emerging Technologies Studio New Request Completed
Design 6230 Research Through Design Studio New Request Completed
Design 6441 Co-Design Studio New Request Completed
Comparative Studies 3007 Technology, Science, and Citizenship Change Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A