Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 2


  1. Approval of 10/9/24 minutes
  2. Theatre 4500 (new course requesting GEN Theme Lived Environments with Research and Creative Inquiry High-Impact Practice) (tabled from last time)
  3. History 7910 (course change; content change) (tabled from last time)
  4. Philosophy 2456 (existing course with GEN Theme Health and Wellbeing; requesting 100% DL delivery) (tabled from last time)
  5. Asian American Studies GIS (new) (return)
  6. Slavic 3321 (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World with Research and Creative Inquiry High-Impact Practice)
  7. Art Education 5797.04 (new course)
  8. Philosophy 1420 (existing course with GEN Foundation REGD; requesting 100% DL delivery)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Asian American Studies New GIS Asian American Studies Program Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee (ASCC) Approved
Theatre 4500 Costumes on Screen: Storytelling through Clothing New Themes Subcommittee 1 (Active AU22 - Present) Assigned to Committee
History 7910 Prospectus Writing Change Request Completed
Philosophy 2456 Philosophy of Sport Change Request Completed
Art Education 5797.04 Museum Studies in London New Request Completed
Philosophy 1420 Philosophical Approaches to Racism and Sexism Change Request Completed
Slavic Languages and Literatures 3320.02 Queer Comrades (and Zines): Sexual Citizenship and LGBTQ Lives in Eastern Europe New Request Completed