Present: Ryden, Childs, Mercerhill, Mockabee, Rudd, Klosterman-Lando, Yerkes
- Italian Revision – approved with contingencies, email committee updates
- Will there be faculty to cover the courses not offered in recent years?
- Include revised minor sheet – Curriculum office will complete
- Theatre concurrence still needed
- Courses not open to native speakers – why? How is native speaker defined?
- 421, 614 & 615 – should “or permission of instructor” be added to prerequisites?
- EDP & L – sent back
- Recommended that Social Science Category be pursued
- 597 review
- Look at in view of model curriculum goals and objectives
- Look for best practices and what should be improved
- Requested that overlap be considered
- Ask English to submit answers to the questions
- Send reminders to those who have not submitted reports
- Suggested that questions be added to SEIs that address GEC goals and have responses sent to Curriculum Office; include information in committee letters
- How can the committee come up with other ways to assess GEC?
- Division of Review
i. Sociology, HCS, FST, and AEDE reviewed by Barbara, Bill & Rick
ii. English, Anthropology, LARCH, & Animal Science reviewed by Jen, Nancy & Val
- Historical Studies
- Review to begin Winter quarter