Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee (ASCC)


156 University Hall
  1. Approval of 01-31-2025 Minutes
  2. Vote on Themes Subcommittee Reorganization
  3. Update on RSI (I. Nagar)
  4. Revision to the Master of Arts Art Education (Online) (Guest: Dana Kletchka)
  5. Informational Item: BA, BS, and Minor - Biology (I. Nagar)
  6. Informational Item: Theatre BA, Lima Campus (I. Nagar)
  7. Informational Item: Sociology PhD Goals and Outcomes (I. Nagar)
  8. Concurrence (A. Martin)
  9. Update on Senate Bill 1/House Bill 6 (A. Martin)
  10. Subcommittee Reports


1.      ASC 1137.xx “First-Year Seminar Johnson - Leadership and Power: Lessons from Kafka” (new)

2.      ASC 1137.xx “First-Year Seminar Kogan - The Dirty Politics of Education” (new)

3.      ASC 2798.03 “Introduction to the Cultures of Great Britain” (existing course w/ GEL Education Abroad; requesting GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies)

4.      Comparative Studies 4645 “Cultures of Medicine” (existing course with GEL Cultures and Ideas, and GEL Diversity-Global Studies; requesting number change from 3645, GEN Theme Health and Wellbeing, and Research and Creative Inquiry HIP)

5.      Earth Sciences 5242 “Exploring the Natural History of The Bahamas” (existing course requesting GEN Theme Lived Environments with Global and Intercultural Learning: Abroad, Away, or Virtual HIP)

6.      Music 3401.35 “Applied Lessons – Guitar” (new course)

7.      Music 7770 “Introduction to Research in Music Education” (existing course requesting 100% DL)

8.      NELC 3804 “Culture and Society in Ancient Egypt” (NELC 3804 (new course requesting GEN Theme Traditions, Cultures, and Transformation with Research and Creative Inquiry HIP)

9.      Political Science 3620 “Big Data, AI, and the State: How Modern Information Technology Reshapes Citizenship” (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)

10.  Scandinavian 3270 “Revenge” (new course requesting GEN Theme Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World)

11.  Theatre 4500 “Costumes on Screen: Storytelling through Clothing” (new course requesting GEN Theme Lived Environments with Research and Creative Inquiry High-Impact Practice)

Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Art Education Revision Master of Arts Art Education (Online) Program Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee (ASCC) Approved