Present: Gill, Palazzi, Thompson, Harned, Tupman, Meyer, Proctor, Giffin, Simcox, Gray, Mercerhill, Mockabee, Wyszomirski, Frego
- Minutes from Nov. 16 approved
- Music 204.06 – approved contingent on new syllabus
- Syllabus needs grading scale
- Disability statement should be 16 pt. font
- Design 525 – approved contingent on syllabus changes
- Syllabus needs number of credits
- Add more detail about the project
- Fit quizzes into the topical outline
- What’s due when and how much is it worth? Answering this will help make syllabus complete
- Syllabus should be emailed to committee for review
- Assessment Report
- Report for College assessment discussion reviewed and recommendations for changes provided
- Question of if there are College level outcomes that should be measured
- Recommended that each department establish rubric for their goals that could be used yearly to evaluate achievements
- 699s
- Bundle being submitted
- 1st College to submit Honors version
6. January meeting will contain PSP discussion